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I Forge Iron

Old Crew

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Posts posted by Old Crew

  1. I purchase quite a bit of 3 construction materials : structural steel, galvanized steel coil and fire treated plywood.  Everything was gone up exponentially .

    For instance In mid January I bid a job for a contractor that we do a lot of work for. At bid date we were under contract with them on 2 similar jobs. The jobs were light gauge steel trusses which we manufacture and install with fire treated ply wood decking. At the time plywood was on the rise, I tried to convince them to sign the contract and we would order the material to lock in the price. We would have billed them a stored material draw when we received the material, both the steel coil and the plywood.

    In early March we rebid the job and again on May 3rd. They signed our contracts on May 5th. In January the cost our cost of galvanized steel coil was 54 cents per pound, in march it was 63 cents and in May 74 cents per pound. The 5/8 fire treated plywood was 56$ per sheet in January, 63$ in March and $72.30 in May. Currently the same plywood is 97$ per sheet and the steel coil is currently 1.12 per pound.

    Structural steel beams and shapes were about 39 to 40 cents and are currently 65 to 70 cents per pound but structural sheet or plate is at $1.05  Tube steel was at around 64 cents a pound and is now $1.27 per pound.

    The price increases will at some point get to a point where it limits growth . I doubt that things will slow down much in the area where I live though. Recently I read an article that stated that the county that I live in is the fastest growing in the US. I live 35 miles north west of Austin Tx

  2. JHCC

    Something to keep in mind if you want to use 7018 rod is that standard 7018 is DC only and welds like crap on AC.  They do make 7018 for AC though which works fairly well. I think the same is true of 6010 and 6011.

    I had the same machine in the 80s and it worked well for my needs for a time. Eventually I upgraded to a DC machine, but for only $50 you have another tool in your arsenal, which is always good.

  3. I had a pipe freeze inside the wall of my house. Plumbing pipe was on the outside a north facing  wall and the insulation was on the inside of the wall. So not much between the pipe and the cold. I had left faucets on in a couple spots just not the kitchen sink . So when there was no water the sink I put a diesel torpedo heater outside on the wall blowing on the stucco. A while later water is flowing from the sink slowly I look outside ad water is ruing out of the wall:angry:

    I cut a 2'X3' hole in the stucco and fixed the broken pipe  in the wall dried it out and insulated it all while at about 5 degrees outside. But the heater was blowing:)

    Heater good!!     -14 bad

    While work and everything was shut down I went down in my garage under my house (with heaters) and worked on building my 505 cubic inch port injected FE motor.

    Building things and making things are some of the best things in life I think. Seeing It  then making it happen

    Like Your School!

  4. Here in Texas at my place it got down to -1 a couple weeks ago and everything came to a halt for a week.  Most central Texans thought civilization had come to an end.  I am fairly handy and was mostly un-affected by the freeze and power problems. I feel for the people that are not equipped to deal with problems.

    I like your solution for a large heater on a budget. You want heat      make something work on the cheap. If I lived in a place where coooooold was a common problem I would probably have built a home brewed heater for my shop similar to yours which burned used oil if possible .  What you really want to do and what you can make happen are seldom the same. So you make do and you did good.


  5. I used to shoot anything and everything out of my wrist rocket and had a lot of fun.

     But I was a pyromaniac in a permissive or unknowing family so my favorite was a small ball that I made myself.   I melted equal parts table sugar and ammonium nitrate in to a taffy consistency and molded it into small balls with a little tail.  Once hardened I could light the little tail with a lighter and shoot a firey ball !!   It was good fun in a different time. I could buy the ammonium nitrate at the drug store as a young teenager and I was in the pacific northwest where it rained more than the sun shone so I didn't cause any fires either.  

  6. On 2/2/2021 at 9:17 AM, ThomasPowers said:

    Type 2?  I am "Adult Onset Juvenile Diabetes" AKA Type 1.5 or LADA.

    That sounds exactly like what I probably have.  I am insulin dependent also.


    On 2/2/2021 at 10:50 AM, ThomasPowers said:

    I started to lose weight while eating more; lost 20 pounds before getting my Dr here in NM to refer me to an Endocrinologist in the City.

    When I was first diagnosed they didn't want to give me insulin . Just metformin at first. I went from 185# to 145# and was wasting away before they finally gave me insulin.

    Balancing the insulin dose with the food intake can be a real challenge especially when you are a carboholic like me. I have been trying to limit it but don't always succeed .  A couple of days ago I took my shot with dinner and did not eat a evening snack like I usually do    I woke up in the morning with my blood sugar at 35. A least I woke up!

  7. At my shop there is only 220 single phase at the pole. The power company was able to provide me 220 3 phase through the use of 3 transformers at my pole. I don't know how it works but 1 of the 3 legs is higher voltage . I believe they call it a delta Y with a high leg ?  In my panel 1 leg fluctuates from 220 to higher which works fine for my motors and welders and only cause a problem on machines that have a step down transformer for low voltage controls. It only causes a problem if I hook the high leg to the step down transformer.  All in all it works well and I don't need a rotary phase converter.

    It might be worth asking if it is available .


  8. I have a 2 large steel cutting bandsaws  the conventional style 1  (hinged at the back scissor style) uses rollers with bearings mounted so that the blade can be adjusted with set screws.  The other saw has simple blocks made of either carbide or steel harder than the blade material.  There is a small rectangular block on either side of the blade , one mounted slightly above the other. Each block sits in a recess with 2 set screws which can adjust the blocks ( push one side of the block deeper than the other to twist the blade). This style would be easy to fabricate.   I mention this because the brass might wear quickly and cause crooked cuts. The amount of wear would depend on about of usage though.

     Both of my saws are large commercial units. The first is capable of cuts 14" tall by 16" wide , the second saw the blade is vertical and it miterers in both directions and will cut 18" tall and 20" wide  

    If the simple block adjusters sound like something you would like to try I can take some pictures.

  9. JLP

    I believe the brand door I used last was PLYCO   I bought a 3-0x7-0 With hinges, leverset, Frame insulated leaf and threshold for under 500 in July

    They are not precut  I install the frame and then cut to fit . If your threshold has to be purchased separately I have seen some aluminum ones with a hard plastic bottom piece bolded to them. I typically use hot dip galvanized "Tapcon" style concrete screws. (Tapcon brand are always coated with a blue anti corrosion coating that looks bad on a finished product or aluminum threshold).

    The frames are typically only attached to the structure at the header which slips up onto the top girt and then are anchored to the slab. No intermediate attachment in-between . So the little pieces  you installed are not necessary , the sheets screw to the door jamb.  That being said I have installed full length structural jamb members on each side on high traffic doors occasionally.


  10. Jennifer

    You may not have to redo your door. You may be able to unscrew all of the sheets on the door header and prop it up with a 2x4 to the same height it is at the door jambs and then re screw your header sheets in new holes in the header. I see you un screwed to get your doors in. If necessary with the sheets mostly unscrewed you could trim the bottom of the sheets to get little more height?

    Sorry for the additional frustration though.


  11.  Oso and Wire Rabbit

    I have a steel fab shop and recycle lots of scrap steel . Some of it is large but I always have scrap smaller stuff also. There are a couple local smiths that I give scrap to. I also have a source for free jack hammer bits for heavy equipment . Some of which is excellent for hammer blanks.

    I also have accounts at several steel suppliers and can order most things. So free steel from my scrap pile and probably  free high carbon steel also. Also local my shop is in Liberty Hill Tx.  So very close to you Oso and also close to you Wire Rabbit ( In Texas terms )

    Unfortunately I have not been forging for a few months all my free time has been spent on doing a frame off resto-mod of my 69 F-250 crewcab 4x4 . I am hoping to get back to forging (learning to forge) soon.

       Pm me if your interested


  12. Jennifer

    I love tools!  Old tools especially . They used to be made to last now everything is made to be replaced .

    You have collected a lot of very cool tools. Glad your getting them inside before the weather gets any worse.  Once you finish the doors I can picture you spending the entire winter in the shop. I imagine that you will spend half the time doing electrical and lights and other shop building things. But the other half will be spent getting reacquainted with your treasures  cleaning them ,polishing them, arranging them, loving on them.

    congratulations on all the hard work   you should be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel now 


  13. Jennifer

    Your shop is looking very good and I am very glad and also proud of you for pushing so hard to get the walls and roof before the weather gets to crappy.

    I have a full insulated sliding wall in my shop which makes it very easy to move large things in and out . It is 11' tall by 23' wide and slides to one side. I built it with a rectangular tube steel frame for support. Then metal stud framed it and used 3" thick rigid poly-iso board insulation with the same wall sheets as the rest of the building on the outside. In the center I installed an insulated  metal building man door.  There are 4' wide insulated metal building doors available if you don't want build your own.


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