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I Forge Iron

Skunk Piper

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Posts posted by Skunk Piper

  1. I just picked this forge up for twenty dollars.  The firepot and tuyere are in great shape minus getting the rust loosened up enough to take them apart for a good cleaning.  The table, hearth, whatever you wanna call it needs all the sheet metal replaced and repairs to some of the brackets.  All in all it's one of the coolest Christmas presents my wife has ever gotten me!  Now, can anyone help me figure out who made it?  The pot/tuyere/clinker breaker look like some Champions I've seen, but I'm fairly uneducated in this area so I could be(probably am) wrong.  Big thing is the table...cant find one like it in any old catalogs, books, or online.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    Jake S.




  2. Buzzkill,

    I'm not sure its history but I wondered the same thing.  I agree and m working on it as is, well i was until the coal ran out! Hence spending some time cleaning and researching.  As far as cost to restore....I haven't put too much into the purchase so I have room to play there and I love a good project.  It used to be classic cars and motor cycles...this anvil will be kind of the same thing....only better cuz it doesn't have an engine and I'm a lousy mechanic

  3. Hey all,

    I finally found an anvil in my neck of the woods and am excited.  It's a Peter Wright 148lbs marked.  Its seen better days but I got it for a steal especially for what others in my area have been selling for.  I have been reading up on restoration methods, especially the Gunter(Gunther? Seen it spelled both ways) method that seems to be the most widely accepted.  I would love some feedback from y'all.  First couple pic.s are how I got it, I then did some cleanup of the face with a belt sander, light grit paper, and light pressure to see what would buff out. My plan is to work with it the way it is for now but would love to build up the area circled in yellow as it is the worst of the damage and slopes down to the wrought then rebuild the opposite edge as well so I can have more consitant edge and bevels.  The area in the red slopes down a bit towards the heel but I don't think it will be an issue and plan to leave it be.  I don't want to make it a "new" anvil but I do feel like some TLC would could help it continue to be a very good tool for its next 100 plus years of existence.  I would love to hear from all sides as I know this is an often debated subject but hope not to cause any fiery debate.


    Jake S.








    Sorry, that should have read 148lbs. my keys are sticking today!

  4. Thank you guys, I sure appreciate all the help.  One more thought..I have been saving up and planning on buying either a kanca 110lbs or tfs 100lbs, both are double horn, which I have really liked(within my limited experience).  Do yall think I'd be better off just waiting a bit longer and getting one of those even if I could possibly talk the gentleman down to the 400 to 500 range?

  5. A gentleman has this listed pretty close to me, when I talked to him on the phone he admitted that he wasnt a smith but had googled and this is a "rare" maker.  Hes asking $750.  That seems high to me for the condition but I'm a newbie so I'm looking for all y'alls expertise and guidence.  What would you offer or would you just walk away, I haven't seen it in person yet, kinda wanted to get knowledged up here first.


    Jake S.







  6. Irondragon,

    I have now read That, sorry i should have read it first!


    I will get a picture of the pot tomorrow after I clean it out, and thanks for all the tips.  I know we need better eye protection..we just got caught up in the excitement that it actually worked!  We managed to get 3 pairs of tongs finished up and goof around with some scrap metal.  I was kinda thinking what you said about the r.r. track seemed like I was fighting it more than working with it.


    Thanks for that download..that'll keep me reading for quite a while..which is good I like learning.

  7. My sons, dad, and I have wanted to try smithing for a number of years..so for Christmas I got them all hammers and tong blanks from Ken's Custom Iron and my wife surprised me with a r.r. track anvil made by one of our friends.  So I have been reading and learning as much as I can on this site and this is what i came up with to get started.  Its 1x6 pine with plywood base on an old bbq cart.  Fill is some old adobe bricks and cat litter.  The fire pit is 6x8" and 3.5" deep.  I got a bag of anthracite coal from TS since its walking distance from my house.  It's not perfect but we're having a blast and learning lots.  Thanks to everyone on this forum for all the knowledge sharing!






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