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I Forge Iron

jack hollingsworth

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Posts posted by jack hollingsworth

  1. hello there,
    I have a question thats been nagging at me for a while. How do you put a "blood groove or fuller" into a blade, do you forge it in or have you got some stock removal method.. The ones that i have seen look so perfect that it makes me think they could have been milled or something. Anyway if anyone can help i'd appreciate it. Cheers.

  2. hello,
    this is my first forged knife, its made from half of a nicholson file i found. forged to shape in my 'wok forge'. The bolster is actually a chunk of black plastic.. I dont think i would use it again, but it worked fine for my starter knife. Copper spacers (i found that too) and a mystery wood that was in my shed when i moved in. If you know what wood it probably is please let me know as i dont know much about wood. The but cap is mild steel (welded on).
    I know its bent. I didnt plan on that and probably should of fixed it before i heat treated it but i was impatient and my weekend was running out. Overall, though, im happy with how it turned out. I know what works and what i have to focus on more for the next one. Let me know what you think, and what type of knife it is!

    jacks_collection_075.jpg jacks_collection_086.jpg jacks_collection_085.jpg

    Alot more pics in my gallery first knife project - Blacksmith Photo Gallery

  3. its used alot in heavy earthmoving and minning machinery, for all the high wear areas that take alot of abuse.. very very hard to mark properly with a centre punch and good for making drill bits blunt, it doesnt cut as well as mild steel with and oxy/acetylene torch either.. Im not sure how it would go for a blade though, thats why i browse this site :D If its useful for knife making, im going to kick myself, ive seen alot of it thrown in the scrap at a place i worked at.

    Edit: Just found this, http://www.bisalloy.com.au/files/Techman/Range%20of%20Grades.pdf

  4. G'day
    im jack, i live in Runcorn, brisbane at present. Originaly from Rockhampton. Boilermaker by trade, looking to learn how to make some blades and big hinges and other parts for a big wooden front door. theres other things i want to make but cannot remember it all! i dont have any gear yet, so if anyone has anything for sale for cheap let me know ;) i only want to start off small as im renting.

  5. hi, im jack.
    I live in brisbane, Australia. Im a boilermaker by trade. i love working with metal and getting creative with it. I dont have a forge or access to one yet but ive always wanted one and it will happen once i get a house of my own. im so glad i stumbled onto this website. im learning alot. im very keen to start making real knives too. thanks for having me

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