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I Forge Iron

Ben Hoover

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Everything posted by Ben Hoover

  1. Thanks Gentlemen. WayneCoe, sadly I work Saturdays and don't get off until later in the evening. Hopefully when my schedule changes in a few months I will have some time to attend the meetings, since Atlanta is about a ninety minute drive. Charles R. Stevens, I have noticed that, but I also research pretty heavily and realize that, when it comes to forging, I am pretty close to Helen Keller as a traffic director. It's gonna end badly for a while. I will happily absorb information from the Oracles upon this site, and just as gladly thank them for providing it. Have a drive tomorrow to a friends, he stated he has a stump and I am welcome to come see if I want it, so maybe I will have a stand to use. If not, I have no issues with building a stand out of laminated.
  2. Georgia boy, obviously. Well, about fifty summers past being called a boy, but you get the idea. Been lurking and reading, already seen where JHCC tells all us newbs to read this, so I done read it, and completely agree. Love the honesty of the search feature sucking. But is alright, Google does indeed pick up the slack. Spent the last fifteen years working in an office, to the point where the wife calls me the world's Tallest Who. So one of my sons and I have decided to get into forging knives. Thanks to the wealth of information found on here, I already ordered a one burner forge to start with, (Devil Forge. I know it will be needing some tweaking, but, until I get enough nickels to buy a welder and some other tools where I can actually make my own, it will do). Now the search is on for files, and other basic hand tools. Got a friend who may have a tree stump to go look at tomorrow, and then I am, hopefully, going to be pounding steel soon. Yes, I fully intend to ask lots of stupid, monotonous questions if Google Fu is not up to snuff folks. Glad to be here, and I am going to do my best to chronicle my journey from wet behind the ears to 'mildly competent'.
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