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I Forge Iron

Ben Hoover

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Posts posted by Ben Hoover

  1. First hammer for forging was a $10.00 harbor freight 2.5 pound cross pein.   I have a couple other small hammers for when I don't need to wail on something, and just bought a Nordic Forge Rounding hammer, 2 pounder, and spend the morning hand filing and sanding it down to a near mirror finish to remove the bevels.  If I get enough (make enough as I get better) I will order a hand forged hammer, but I do agree with the experienced that, other than making sure you don't get too much hammer and find a handle that works are the biggest things.  

  2. No more forging only when it doesn't rain.  Went and bought the materials today to build my lean-to that will eventually be completely enclosed to a 12X20 smithy in the back yard.  I hope to have the posts in the ground next weekend and, if all goes well...  a roof over it so that I can finally fire up the forge again after a months long absence!

  3. Good advice.  I don't drill without the work clamped in place.  I like being able to count to ten without removing my shoes.

       I'm going to make certain to listen to the machine and make sure the drill bits aren't squealing xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.   Fortunately, right now I am pretty much working exclusively on bottle openers and hooks, so not a lot of variety on the  metals I am using, but I do get some free mystery metal from time to time that I will need to pay attention to.

       I appreciate the advice Frosty. I will heed it.

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