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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Dielonx5

  1. IronDragon, thank you! Been scanning IFI for a while. Good to be on an active forum with knowledgeable craftsfolk!

    I have cinched the jaws completely closed and tried to crank on it, and no movement at all. Seems super solid. Just some cosmetic inconsistencies that do not seem to persist deeper in the weld. You can faintly make out the shape of the piece around the sides and back where the welds are completely synonymous with the arm below.

    I greatly appreciate your feedback, and in either case, it seems that it is of non issue (:

    Awesome to hear linseed will work!

    Any input on wire brushing and if that would do more damage than good? A friend of mine may have a powered wire brush though...I will have to check on that!

  2. Thank you Mr. Coke and SLAG for your guidance. But you both definitely would say it is a crack? It doesn't go deep at all if it is. The seller told me it would be no worries as you both have mentioned.

    Wire wheeling sounds like a power operated tool? If i do not have one of these would the hand held brush work, or would it possibly scratch the surface? Im totally cool leaving it as is as well. Maybe just rubbing it down with some oil (I have non boiled linseed oil, will that suffice?).

    Good to know not to worry! (: Seems like the device is set up to fail at the bottom by snapping an easily replaceable bolt or something to that nature. Pretty psyched with this purchase overall!


    Again, thank you both for the input and easing my worries!

  3. I just acquired this columbian company post vise the other day and the seller mentioned the area of concern in the photographs. To me, it looks like the edges of a weld that were just not quite fully integrated and will pose no structural concern for the piece. But, I am super new to the purchasing of blacksmithing equipment and the craft, so I wanted to reach out and see what more experienced people feel about it. Not sure if the jaws for these kinds of pieces were forge welded on or not.

    I believe this piece is forged steel and weighs about 45#. It seems to be in brand new condition. The jaws still have the original cross-hatching intact as well as what seems to be the original patina. The rest of the piece is in perfect shape with all original parts. So the only way I feel this damage could have happened is through natural stresses from being unused for so long in a storage unit or that it is just a cosmetic issue more than anything.

    The seller suggested that one could take the piece apart to sand blast it, but I really don't think I want to..I like the look of it. I have read that wire brushing and oiling is another way to give some "life" back and would be more inclined to take this route. I have a butchers block wire brush and the squeaky screw could use some oil for sure haha.


    Thank you for taking the time to help a young aspiring smith out!







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