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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by waianvil

  1. My daughter's husband was in a bad truck accident, a pickup pulled into another lane, hit the semi and started on fire. Burned truck and driver had upper part of his body burned, and is now is in a burn unit in Tulsa

  2. I use pickle vinegur it a drywall can after I get a piece all done forgeing then I put it in a drywall put it in there over nite next day take it out next day all the slake brush right off and looks a new piece of steel again,need to put a lid on the drywall container

  3. I have a railroad forge has anybody put a cheminey on that type of forge used a 30 gallon barrel before like make something looking a little bit better have a 10 inch chimey that I plan on using not much room from top of forge to ceiling of building around 6ft

  4. I have a oxygen unit or cutting torch when someone else use torch unit they don't shut off the knobs by the regulators but they shut off by the torch units I know you are suppose to shut off the valves by the regulators but it drains both tanks is there possible a problem with the torch.

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