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I Forge Iron


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Status Updates posted by straycat_74

  1. recently I moved out and had to use a local mover on short notice. this weekend he unloaded my stuff after 6 months storage so I could finally get back to my life.(long story, not relevant) and my anvil is missing. my 138lbs 120+ year old Peter Wright Anvil, is "missing". it's one of a dozen things that didn't end up back at my place after the storage period.

    my heart is broken, and most of my home brewing equipment is as well.but my ANVIL. GOD I wanna hurt someone.

    SO I am out of the forging thing... because I'm not good enough to actually SELL anything... until I can Power Hammer, or get my anvil, or a replacement.

    and JUST to rub salt into the wounds, I'm an over the road truckdriver, I have to leave in the morning and will not be back for 2 weeks.

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