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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Vwfinatic273

  1. Thanks for all the input everyone, I'm going to use all of it and apply it to my next project. Any ideas on what to make next? Frosty, I was taught to finish when warm with Bee's Wax by melting it on the metal after brushing, is that what you do and if so where do you buy yours? Also, have you tried black paint?
  2. Would love to see what you guys think about this paper towel holder I made, it is the second piece I have made in my new blacksmithing venture. I hadn't bought any steel yet and had this old antique screwdriver with a broken handle with one half square (somewhat) and the other round. I put the twist in for looks and to give a nice transition from square to round. Please give me input if you know I am doing something wrong. Also, I'd love your tips on punching holes in flanges, I had to get creative this time.
  3. I'd like to see more photos to get a better understanding of what you need but an old VW beetle has a stub axle assembly (I have some) that could be used. It also has a spline you could run the brake drum and wheel if you needed. Also, trailer axle would work as well like mentioned.
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