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Posts posted by Wethepeople762

  1. Wondering if anyone could help me age my Wilkinson anvil. Just picked it up a week ago, got it cleaned up today. 180lbs, 4” face. Wilkinsons and crossed canons are clearly visible. On the back bottom it looks like either “135” or “185” is stamped in it. On the back the only visible numbers of the hundred weight would be the last of the three which is “17”. I weighed it and it is 180lbs.











  2. That’s not what I wanted to hear but glad I did. I was leary because of the raised lettering. If it were truly Cast Steel I’d pay what he asking because I really want to start forging and it would get me started but I don’t want an ASO either. I’ll still try the bearing on them to see how it does.

    Thanks everyone!

  3. Has anyone ever seen this marking on an anvil? Is duracast the maker? 150 the poundage? Any help would be appreciated. The guy wants a fair price for it but I’ve never seen a Duracast Steel anvil and I don’t want to buy a lunker. I didn’t get a chance to check the ring/rebound yet but that’ll be my next step.

    Any info on that top anvil would be nice too. Couldn’t find any markings on it. 





  4. I know this isn’t a tool but I thought I’d put this up to see if anyone has ever seen anything like it. It’s either copper or bronze. About 7” Long and weighs roughly 10lbs. Looks like a crystal cluster. Was found in the woods. Closest thing nearby was an Amtrak rail line. Sorry I can’t get any better pictures I don’t actually have the item. I’m putting it up for a friend. 



  5. Thanks Frosty, I was hoping maybe a former employee would be on here and be able to help. Unfortunately the company went bankrupt due to not being able to keep up with foreign pricing so contacting them won't happen. I've come across a few other Bethlehem Steel items and they're somewhat of a hot commodity. 

    Ok that's good info! The dimensions are very close to that so I'm guessing that's it. My question is what would this be used for? Is it like a salesman sample or something?

  6. Hello there...I have a large block of metal and was wondering if anyone out there knew what it was. I was thinking it was some sort of scale weight. It's 8x6x4 and weights 47lbs. Has a rectangular hole that goes all the way through, a screw hole in the front and embossed numbers of 564.

    It has a nice ring to it and was thinking it could make a nice "poor mans anvil". Of course it'd also be nice to know what kind of metal it is as well. Any ideas??






  7. Hello All! I just bought my first anvil and it's a Peter Wright 1 2 12. As I understand those numbers equate to 180lbs? I was curious if anyone out there knows an age range on this anvil. It says Peter Wright Patent Solid Wrought 1 2 12. I'm also curious to what the flute on the back end is for and the square holes in the base (not the hardy).







  8. Got a few things here I'm unsure of their use. Utility knife is for size reference. Tongs aren't too old I don't believe. I have a bunch of the + shapes chisels (?) and I have four of the old cone shaped iron pieces...hardy? The post is cylindrical so I wasn't sure if it was a hardy or not.







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