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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Zyphiza

  1. So I finally got around to using my new anvil only been blacksmithing for maybe 3 months off and on due to having problems with getting fuel but more to the point I finally got a well needed tool my first pair of tongs :) Wish i had some video to go along with the pictures but sadly I don't. Give me your opinions.
    These we're made from memory only I did not use pictures, references 






  2. Hello I'm posting here because I would like to make a more permanent forge. I'm currently using a brake drum lawnmower forge and would like to make something I can use in my building during the winter months below you will see pictures of my shop and the forge designs I like most. 
    this is a link to the coal forge I was interested in
    this is a link to the propane forge and a link to the burner I would be making with the help of a gas fitter.
    Also if gas is very expensive I would like to know due to the fact I have not used it for forging nor do i know how long a 20-100lb tank would last me. If someone has experience with gas forges and knows roughly how long the tanks should last me I would appreciate this very much.
    Thank you to anyone that replies.
    These are the photos of my shop.

    If anyone knows of a source where I can get an actual firepot that would be a great help or something that I could use other then a brake drum

  3. Okay thank you guys I'll just hand brush it and remove what I can paint wise, I suppose it being a 115 years old I would remove a lot of the character with just something as simple as a brush, thinking about it I want to keep it how it is I like the look of it lol, I have it set on a stand now :D and that was not easy, I played around a little bit with a small piece of steel (don't worry it wasn't cold) today to see the difference between that and the piece of railroad track I was using... Literally worlds apart it's so much easier to use and with the weight of it I don't really need anything to anchor it to the stand which rocks because that track bounced around quite a bit even though I drove it into a stump with railroad ties. also did a bit of looking around because the ring was quite loud, my shop is about 100 yards from my house and they could hear it still, I put a large U bolt in the pritchel hole it seems to help with the ring

  4. Hey first of all i would like to thank everyone for their help I have learned a lot about my anvil in the last day, I appreciate it so much I'm so happy and lucky to know what I do. And I won't do any grinding or welding or "fixing" to it with my limited experience I just wasn't sure if the edges were okay or not, now I know they're fine so I'll just do my best to work around the torching marks, I'm more then happy to listen because after doing a bit of research I really am lucky to get a H-B anvil this size for the price I did and I don't want to do anything to damage or ruin the anvil because I hope to keep it and not replace it. Also I'm curious if a wire brush cup attachment for an angle grinder is fine to use to clean it up? I've used them to clean steel before I just wanted to double check, and thank you for the recommendation of linseed oil I'm going to do that as soon as possible I wasn't really sure what to use to prevent it from rusting now I know ^_^ 
    If anyone know of an easier way to clean it up I'm open to suggestions, thank you very much

  5. Hey this is the first anvil I have ever bought I found it in a scrap yard I've been using a small section of railroad track and have been waiting for the right anvil to come around I think I got an okay price it's a bit beat up though I got it for $275.00 I think it's around 300 pounds I estimate, is there any way to tell roughly what it weighs by dimensions? I don't have a scale capable of weighing it. I don't know too much about them but it has good rebound though. the face is about 18.5 inches long, the horn is about 10 inches long and the cutting table about 3 inches and the anvil is 13 inches in height. I believe whoever owned it before I rescued it may have welded a new top onto it you can see what looks to be a weld line (I believe) in the photo showing the height, would that effect it at all? Thank you to anyone that helps (: 





    Also it's about 5inches wide forget to add that.

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