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I Forge Iron

Light Hammer

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    Milling lumber, bladesmith want-to-be

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  1. On moving the nozzle, what should I be looking for? As is, the burner has a .023" tapered mig tip that is set almost even with the transition from the bell reducer to the 3/4 pipe. That setting isn't adjustable as I drilled a hole through the reducer to mount the gas tube. I read Frosty's design description which indicates that the tip should, in my case, be about .412 from the 3/4 pipe (if I read it correctly). The tapered nozzle is set at 1.5" from the end of the mixing tube. I'll try moving the nozzle tonight and see what happens. Again, what should I look for to call it a "better flame"?
  2. Youtube link in case the above attachment doesn't work for some: https://youtu.be/XJ6VLs90NEU
  3. Hopefully the video works... I finally fired my new burner. Can you guys critique the flame? Ok. Video didn't attach. Let me try another route. forge burner.MOV Ok, it's upside down but attached lol I've since added a choke to the intake though I'm not exactly sure how/when to use it. The flame will sustain up to around 20 psi then blows out. It starts "huffing" around 3-4 psi.
  4. As currently drawn, the ram will weigh ~90 lbs without a die. The information I've found indicates that a single leaf, 1/4" thick x 2" wide spring is required... as shown here:
  5. Hello all, I'm drawing up a new style Kinyon air hammer. Looking at the pictures I can find, it appears that the leaf spring used in the design is relatively flat with an eye to eye distance of around 20". I looked at trailer springs and they seem to all be arched in the 3" range. For those who have studied this topic or those who have built a Kinyon; where would I find an appropriate spring for the build?
  6. I see your guy's point as to adding more doors for ventilation. I could add a south side door however driving through the building isn't possible due to the tree line and grade. I was thinking about incorporating a window in the north side sliding door which would line up with the north side wall window when the door was fully open. This way I could still get the benefit of light and ventilation through that opening. Also, I may move the north side door over a little (which will mean I'll have to make it smaller) to allow a space to the left of the door for a work bench. Decisions, decisions...
  7. To the south of the building there is a tree line. To the east there is another structure. Adding doors on those two walls isn't possible. Windows maybe, but not doors I'm afraid.
  8. Ok guys, point taken. How's this?
  9. The ventilation fan will be on the east wall at the ceiling peak. I was thinking it would pull air from the north and west sides across the room and out the east wall. Given this arrangement, would you still move one of the doors?
  10. I thought I'd throw in a exterior rendering for those who are interested.
  11. Here is the space I'll have available guys. The gaps to the right and lower right of the drawing are sliding doors. The ventilation fan will be installed on the left side gable wall. Given this, are there any suggestions as to forge, anvil, misc items placement?
  12. Yeah, I was thinking the larger fans may just be a little too big
  13. Ok, so I just talked to a local truss manufacturer and it looks like I'm going with wood scissor trusses that will leave a 4:12 interior pitch. This will allow for a 24" fan to be installed in the gable end wall. The one I have is rated at ~4700 cfm so I'm looking at an air change every ~80 seconds. The ceiling peak will be ~15' with 12' walls. I'll insulate above the finished ceiling and mount the fan as high as it will go on the gable wall. Hopefully this approach will work.
  14. For ventilation, I have several different sizes of chicken house fans. The smallest is 24" and the largest is 48" I can install one or a combination of several to make the air move. The mentioned 10 air changes per hour... is that a minimum? Would there be a point where the fans were too large?
  15. I typed a reply however when I "Submit Reply" I'm sent to a screen that says I don't have permission on this server? Hmm... Is there a maximum length for replies?
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