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I Forge Iron


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    South Central Kentucky, near Lake Cumberland.

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  1. I always thought it would be morefun to blow them out ... but our government no longer believes the common citizen can be entruted with such power and tools. Only they and those they permit and license can be so entrusted.
  2. Oh, yes. I have tons of options. As soon as the grond thaws a bit, I'm cutting more trees, then using the blade on the tractor to clear out a bunch of the undergrowth. May use the subsoiler to cut up roots to pull a few inconvenient stumps.
  3. Mostly scrub and poplars as much as 12" in diameter. Saving my schekels to purchase a chainsaw attachment so I might be able to mill them into usable pieces for a variety of construction projects. Like shelves and workbench components. It has been pointed out that they are not a good source for the veritcal supports, because of how quickly they will rot in the ground.
  4. Requested update. One word: Weather. It has been either very wet or very cold, here, the last several weeks. Because of that, my time has been spent either at work or taking care of my parents with shores such as splitting firewood, doctors appointments, grocery runs and the ever popular hospital visits. Tomorrow may be a day I can get out and clear more of the trees and scrub that is in the area I intend to build. Thanks for asking. Another status update, when something is changed, here.
  5. PTree - Thanks for the information. Every little bit here is helping and putting me into a position to think. 29 years ... that is the kind of durability I am looking to build. Pardon my asking, but is 'boiler tube' pipe? Charles - I doubt it helps, but I really don't know, at this point. I know that I will be going on 'walk about' this weekend, looking for large flat stones. I need to see what I have versus what I shoud use. I kown there is a stream bed, off property I can collect fist sized stones from, but that is about a mile to carry 5 gallon buckets of rocks. Maybe I can use the ATV to climb the hill with those buckets. I will have to look into it. I know the auger on teh tractor will give me an 18" diameter hole a little over 30" down. I'm thinking large stone or creek rock, 6" or so deep and that should let water flow away from the wood. I'm still waiting to hear back on the RR ties. We were trying to negotiate on them, until his brother stated he was already planning to use them for a raised garden/herb bed several years ago ... Those two boys looked like the old 3 Stooges, with one missing and they both trying to make up for it. I also have a lead on 14 to 16 foot long utility poles. He just wants two RR spike hatchets. Good thing I cut some hickory saplings back in October. They are laid out, skinned and drying. Should make good handles. Again, Thank you all for the input. It means a lot to me to get this kind of guidance.
  6. I'm fortunate in that Kentucky believes in one's right to self-defense, not just of body but of property. I have no intention of having a run in with any criminal on the property. We have signs up that state, clearly, no hunting, no trespassing. Anyone on our property without invitation is in violation of both our wishes and the law. That makes them an aggressor and subject to be defended against.
  7. Charles, the existing foundation pieces and the middle line supports all crumbling, even below surface. Checked with local building inspector (does not need to see anything I'm building becuse I'm so farout of town). He stated wherewe are the frost line is 18 to 20 inches the WORST of winters, where I am. The Green River Reservoir helps keep the groupd from getting too frozen. Also, last night, I checked available depth. Drilled a hole 2 feet deep, using auger on tractor. Was able to tdrive a t-fence post another 27 inches before hitting stone.
  8. Still planning to put posts, at least 2 feet into the ground. Not sure why, but gut feeling i will want it that way.
  9. Charles, I honestly don't know, but I will find out.
  10. Thank you all for the comments and guidance. I would have to answer a few of the comments made to help ensure the site specific details are in. I'm in south central KY, between Lake Cumberland and the Green River Reservoir. 60+ acres of woods on steep, almost cliffs in places, walls and draws. The photos I included are of the site where the old was, long before we bought it. I live here with my parents, as I help with the property. My 20+ year career in IT is just about over with off-shoring and high school kids being preferred to experience. I spent much of today calling around in search of utility pole sources. I also spoke with local saw mills asking about cast offs. A contact has access to a few hundred rail ties, since 4 years ago they relaid the track across his property and last year pulled up the track. I'm thinking they could make a good ground contact that the pallet panels can sit on/connect to. Even with the hill side so near (7 yards), the site stays wet enough to grow plants prolifically. The ties can also be stacked and staked with rebar to help level where the walls will be and possibly be used as retention for gravel. While clearing trees and brush, yesterday, I took time to figure out how to use the chain saw to square cut log portions for contact and lagging. I'm not the best at it, but I got the idea worked out. I also realized that I am going to need some cross bracing. Most likely for where the doors will slide. The saplings I cut and trimmed are stacked to dry for that use. I also spoke with a nearby property owner who told me I was welcome to take as much gravel as I wanted from the creek bed across his land. I just need to leave him a high place to cross to his fields. Shoveling gravel out by hand will be back breaking, but worth it, I think. My mental image of it is a pole barn, slanted roof and closed in by pallets for walls. I'm not trying to cheap out on this. I'm trying to use what I have available, or can get on my budget, to get the shop up as quickly as possible. Again, thank you for the advise. I hope to read much more.
  11. Was thinking, because of how rural the are is, of possible converting a riding mower engine (14HP) to some kind of drive line engine and to run off of wood gas as I make char coal. But that is a while away, still. First the walls and the roof, then I can fill it.
  12. When I moved to Indianapolis, my entire shop was packed up in an old Studebaker pick-up bed converted to trailer. It was ball locked and axel chained to a tree. The trailer was stolen along with all of the contents. I was in the process of cleaning up and out my grandfather's wood shop to make room for smithing. 40+ years of wood scraps, saw dust, etc, in what was primarily a custom furniture and cabinet shop. The police came, saw the tree had been cut down. Saw the tracks in the muddy yard. and told me there was nothing to be done about it. The trailer was found, sold to an illegal who had a bill of sale from someone who did not exist in the area. It was never returned to me. I now live in south central kentucky, far away from other people. I am clearing a wooded section of the property to build my shop on, as I continue collecting tools to populate the shop. One such acquisition is a sign that will go on the door. "Nothing in here is worth more to you, than your life. Everything in here is more valuable to me, than your life." I had that on the back of the "Open" sign of my business. In a bad neighborhood, with break-ins on either side of me, my computer shop was not bothered for three years. Needless to say, the police did not like that sign on my door. I gave them an alternative, they can be responsible and accountable for any loss or damages. The chief went away and did not bother me about it, anymore.
  13. NJAnvilman - One of the few purchases I have actually budgeted for is the roofing. I will be purchasing (unless I can find it free, somewhere) their metal and plastic roofing material. the plastic at the front for lighting purposes. the metal on the rear for shade and to run the smoke stack through. Glenn - I will consider that as the barn site has old and crumbling concrete walls. I'm sure therey were sound before the fire that brought down the barn so many years ago. Biggundoctor - I wish I could get drums. I have several uss for them, not jus in the forge. ThomasPowers - I will be contacting the local mills and utility companies to see what they have to offer. Thank you all for the comments and the thoughts. Each is valued. Keep them coming. I will be posting photos as I build the place. The floor will be dirt, for now, though. Later, I will bring in gravel, probably before I enclose the front wall. I want to find a 'pick-up trailer' to help make getting and dumping the gravel easier.
  14. The local electrical co-op will not sell poles, so the plan is to use two of the existing trees that have opportune Y's and to lay one of the cut trees across it. Then the poles will be suspended in modified 5 gal buckets to get a reasonable depth. (I have a contact at a grocery deli/bakery who saves their 5 gallon icing buckets. I will stack two, top to top and seal, then remove the 'bottom' of one to sink the log into.) But I am very interested in other options! I'm looking at putting a lot of sweat equity into this venture.
  15. LawnJockey - Thanks! I will look into that. I would really like to cut those Poplars square! Would make attaching the pallet panels easier and straighter!
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