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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Fdisk

  1. that is good and im sure it cuts like it should as well
    another thing ive seen but not sure it will work is use a thin grinding wheel on a table saw angled along with jig for proper spacing but the blade has to be moved up constantly to get the depth you want to cut the teeth

  2. This site has so much info and most is explaned so well i think im ready to try to build a simple forge and get started and ive already seen if i cant find what im looking i can get help by asking thank you folks im glade i found this place but i do have 1 question how do you make those saw teeth like in the rambo knife no i dont think im rambo and no im not going to make a rambo knife to carry but i would like to try my hand at making a nice wall hanger first

  3. i can do stock removal also have a mig welder i have files dremmel grinders and im pretty good a just shaping forming process by stock removal i just absoluty not experiance at anneling tempering things like that basicaly id love to learn but i do good stock removal work but as i have curved leaf springs i gotta heat hammer to get it straight from what ive read so far and ill have to read alot more and read it over a few times for it to sink in but if i heat the steel hammer bend it flat and let it air cool haw much have i changed the temper of the original metal

  4. i had a little trouble finding the getting tarted link im not that great on forums but there sure is alot of good reading there
    i dont know if you guys ever heard of Tweetsie Railroad Tweetsie Railroad: North Carolina's Original Family Theme Park
    but i dont live far away from it i had a friend that used to be in the band there and he could sent out invites for free thay have a blacksmith up there and its about my faveriot thing hes good

  5. Well im not retired im a cna now my wife started having seizures about 6 years and so no meds or vns implant has been able to control them she has 2 -3 seizures a day
    where i had been a emt i got on this program where i can have a income caring for her but the pay is very low she also is on disability but its still a fixed income but the piece of mind knowing so is taking care of makes the low income fell more like being rich

  6. ive always been interested in making knives and swords but ive never realy made any outa good steele most ive ever done was just make em outs just plane old steele looked good but thats about all they was good for just to look at but anyway
    i want to start making good functionin knives ive got some old leaf springs with that awfull bend in em and i know nothing about anneling tempering
    all ive ever done is stock removal so where do i start im on a fixed income so buying books is outa the question i live check to check as is

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