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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by CBrann

  1. FE wood, how do you start nails with gloves on.. that just seems like an excercise in insanity... I used to get the chemical warmers, and keep those in my nail pouch ... but -45? thats a little excessive even for me.... but when you gotta work.. I understand... but then again I have formed snot-sicles sideways from a fresh breeze on a cold day too....

    The Oz boys and girls have to opposite problem.. too xxxx hot!! they got Christmas lights on palm trees.... I wonder how much snow in a can they use over there...


  2. It is amazing what happens to the mind when the body is in harmony... at the anvil my mind wanders. ... in a good way .. the body works and the mind works, and the spirit works in harmony to make me a little more whole... I act from the calm center... and can listen to God or the song of the universe...

    Thought I was alone in the.. and a little crazy...
    clean coal and good iron to you all


  3. Easily confused.. is it cold enough to throw a hot coffee into the air and none of it to hit the ground from evaporation? I have heard that happens in the Great White North.. got a friend a couple hours from Edmonton... I know that is still a couple days drive.. but ... he is closer than me.. said its warm there.. it up to -27F.. how do you people stay warm up there?

  4. Death and taxes are certainties...

    Nice roof... like the idea of steel .. all steel all the time.. very little fire danger...

    Over here I got .45 acre.. about 1800 square feet to live in... and about $3800 in taxes... I wanted to build a shop.. the town wanted me to pull a permit... $325... submit engineered plans... who knows how much $.. and !! build it to a 125 mph wind uplift requiremnt... adding about $1200 to my build cost for steel hurricane hardware...

    now I get the concept that if you are building a new house.. but I wanted a 10 by 12 shed.... I have been in construction for years.. and know how to build safe buildings.... but that was excessive....

    but this is where I chose to live...

  5. Similar to what happens to tractors, tools .. or vehicles around here... when they cant be fixed they are referred to as "monuments".... just add flowers...

    I have had a few things fail at the end.. and in the case of you hammer head... if it is my fault.. it goes on my wall of shame ... to remind me of a lesson.... .. if it was out of my control... well ... then it goes anywhere else.. to inspire me to try harder..

    They do look mighty nice...

  6. I would adjust them hot. First because it is easier, and second because it would cause less work hardening to the hooks....

    However that being said, since these blocks have been overloaded, they may need to be taken apart, checked for wear, fatigue and abuse.... cooked bearings or bushings, cracked wheels, and bent axles can all make work harder than it needs to be.... and can cause injury and death...

    You know this already... It sounds like you just want them for light lifting.,... a little spray paint with a with a low working load might be a good idea... just so someone who is not you doesn't get into trouble....

    Just a suggestion... good luck and be safe..

  7. The thing I like about bottled propane is that there is a finite amount, and they have temp relief valves... when they let go it is a big flare... but.. when its gone its gone.. I don't know enough about nat gas piping to know if there is a fire a safety mechanism of any kind... i assume there is .. but have no idea...

    This is just hearsay!! from a guy I know that worked for the gas company, but almost all the old gas mains are contaminated with PCB oil from the gas pumps that leaked, before scientists found out PCBs are very toxic. The PCB oil was used because it drastically cut down on maintenance and breakdowns... that is just one more thing... yes I know most of the toxins that are in coal smoke... has anyone else heard of this?

    rmcpb- there is no end.. either it is too hot or too cold... I can stick to my steel tools in the winter.. you can get burned picking tools up...

  8. Grant, as far as drawing Dyna CAD was great, dimensioning, and drawing tools were great, both in 2D and 3D. it was flexible in how you set things up, and switching between each view and orthographic view was good... however... the 3D rendering, lighting, facing etc had a long way to go.....

  9. I would offer thanks to everyone here, and to give thanks for those who are or will be with us, and also for those who have passed. They will live in our memories.

    I would also offer thanks to the troops who are here and away for their sacrifice to home safety and security.

    blessings on all

  10. Natural gas requires a larger orifice and/or higher pressure than propane, it has less energy in the same volume of fuel. In most gas fired appliances I have seen that conversion from Propane to nat. gas requires some changes in hardware, orifice, and higher pressure... about 11 inches of water column for propane and almost 20 for nat gas..

    I grew up in Maine where wood, propane, and fuel oil were the heating fuels of choice. I live in Connecticut now, and the idea of having natural gas piped into my house is a little creepy. An unlimited supply of volatile flammable fuel? That being said, I was going to install a wood/coal stove in my shop, but the code requirement of insulated stove pipe stopped me. about $1100 for pipe put that project out of mind.

    I like the idea of infrared heaters, because with a forge and 12 inch flue, you can't heat the air fast enough before it is drawn outside. I also hate touching cold tools in the winter... nothing like your hand sticking to a drift when you are setting up for a project.

    That being said.. would an external intake for your forge blower be a good idea? I would think it might tend to leave more warm air in the shop?.... but then you are running really cold air into the bottom of the fire.... Just extrapolating from the external intake I have seen on some wood hearths that are supposed to keep more warm air in you house...

    just an opinion .. take it for what its worth..

    and CO detectors are worth every penny

  11. Whats more painful... broken rotting teeth or having the yanked out with an eeeevvviilll looking device?... besides what is rum for? (toungue in cheek.. so to speak)
    I will stay with my oral surgeon and painkillers..

    as for the re-enactor for Pirate Surgeon.. who knew there was such a thing?

  12. Grant, you so far are the only person I have ever heard of who uses Dyna Cad. .. I got it taking a CAD class in college... 10 years ago... and the version I have.. 4.0... fraught with errors and bugs... Straight drawing was great... 3d generating and facing was dicey at best.. I keep trying to get work to train me on Auto CAD... but.. not so much.. I may give Double CAD a run...

    Thanks for the heads up,

  13. As time goes by I realize that I don't have to be alone in this if I choose not to be, I have never met most of you face to face.. and I understand and appreciate the kinship you all offer... we are all brothers and sisters under the skin and across the world.

  14. so simple... and not something I would have ever tried by myself... good to know and thanks...

    am I the only one who has ever lost a stamp flying across the shop even holding with vice grips from an off center blow.. or something shifting... or whatever?

    I would like some suggestions of how to hold the stamps so they don't fly away on me...

    and Yes I put on full safetey gear when doing this... face shield especially...

  15. I have seen where it can oxidise on the outside, and it carries through, and it comes apart like a frayed rope... the WI I have seen do that has been in/around salt water for a long time. .. I get wrought iron from old wharves and docks.. and they are subjected to a lot of salt water... also most of he stuff I have is from storm damage.. it has floated in timbers and washed up on an island.. I have to wait for the timbers to rot to collect it... it could be stress cracks from being rent in a storm... the pieces in question are about 1" by 1" by about 2 feet long wharf spikes...

    or it could just be poor quality WI...

  16. Well now... I work outside.. and all my gear is portable.... I place my anvil upwind of my forge... and dependent what I am working on I place it right or left... But given a preference I put the horn to my left... a quarter turn from my forge.. so my forge ends up at my right side or left side .. depending on the wind... and since I am clumsy and I almost put the horn through my side one day it points away from my forge.... ( sometimes accidents just happen...I am a little sensitive ... I had to explain a big ding on my ribs to my wife... ) I tend to work on the heel portion of my anvil ... because of damage to the front corners near the horn...

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