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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by rsanders

  1. I think i just figured it out, I think this is a Tiger? After googling around for past 15 minutes or so, I am trying to figure out what years these were made, and have came up short =/ Edit - I guess i was looking in the wrong places. I found a similar post here on this site, that helped lead me to I think finding my answer. Appears this is manufactured in the early 1900s by the Canedy-Otto Manufacturing Co, and it appears Tiger was the economy line. Sorry for spamming the forum =/ '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  2. Hey All, My grandfather is at the stage in his life where he is wanting to get rid of all of his things, and I told him i wanted to get into blacksmithing. Needless to say and I never had no clue, but he just gave away his dads blacksmithing setup... I was crushed, but he told me he had some things i could have. This blower looks really old, and I couldn't identify a brand name, I am not really interested in if its the holy grail of blows as i can promise it probably isn't. But I was hoping one of you knowledgeable blacksmiths could assist in helping a newbie identify this hand crank blower (sorry if that is not the correct term). My father is a real good metalworker, welder, ect.. but not a blacksmith, but he told me he would help me restore this. As you can see from the pictures below I guess the stand finally gave out and it fell possibly on concrete and broke. i looked inside and all the fins appear not broke. Again, I appreciate any assistance anyone could give in helping identify (I may need to clean it up more)
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