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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by beth

  1. no elemental, im sure it could be done similarly to how rashelle said, but i its not how i did it - i mig welded it. im not a particularly confident fire welder, i am an artist before a blacksmith as some of you will know!  the reason you might think it looked forge welded is because it went back in the fire so i could get my hammer at the mig welds! like i said there are many variations on this symbol if anyone fancied making some - im sure a silver jewellery scale version would be good   :)

  2. basher i have just watched that video ( after trying earlier and being disturbed by the kids...) that is the best thing ive seen on here for long time! as well as being very interesting for someone like me who does not make knives, ( LOVED the cutting edge and the oil )  it was just gorgeous to watch! the black and white works BEAUTIFULLY for me, i loved the detail of the dirt in your nails and fingertips and the skin on your hands next to the steel - just lovely!! mesmerising :) and the music was perfect, especially the scraping steel string noise, beautiful beautiful beautiful - lovely composition and playing from your bro. film made more great by the fact that brothers made this - i really totally enjoyed it - and if i may say so, you sport an astonishingly good mustache  :wub:

  3. yes, accepting bondness as a perfect word choice :) i love the whole idea. its like rock or something, or swiss roll. would be a good way to make eyes.


    here is rock by the way, if you dont have this stuff - its sold at the seaside here... :)








    usually sold with icreams and cream teas.. 








  4. andrew your right! i guess i presumed the entire tail was eyes, and the wings infront, and it does appear more like this when the tail is down, but if you think about it no eyes are visible from the back when the tail is up... just the dull brown ones.. i have some smaller shoes stashed which i might use on mine but ive not decided yet, and i have never thought of using a pipe cut into sections for rings! thats ridiculously obvious, and something i would do in cooking or perhaps with cardboard but ive never done that with metal! well done!! that will be SO useful :) thankyou ! i will thoroughly enjoy your photo step by step thing for the peacock, i particularly like your approach, which is unique to your style, of using the best shaped part from the outset, rather than fiddling and altering to much after youve made your selection.the glass is going to look wonderful!

  5. andrew your dead right - anything my dogs chase i blame myself for - luckily its not dangerous animals like kangaroos, but there are other dangers like roads and livestock, they are instinctively drawn to this activity and when they have occasionally chased it could have been prevented by me concentrating better, and im not sure about the beating either. will the dog connect that with the chase or not? im not sure. i praise mine when they come back, for coming back, but im sure some would say  thats wrong. if it were me, i wouldnt be so keen to come back if i thought id get a massive hiding! dogs are a big responsibility.. and like you said you cant keep them chained up all day, your never going to have a dog trained 100 percent, so you got to devise ways of avoiding danger on their behalf.  are the kangaroos protected because numbers are decreasing? 

  6. woah andrew that kangaroo tale is fearful... am quite shocked by that - knew they were dangerous but thats really much more stronger and co-ordinated than i thought they were.. as for the 2d peacocks of mine i kind of meant yours are properly in three dimensions, whereas flat things ( to hang on side of house) are kind of 2d. in my head :) so mine will sit flat to a wall. the lady who ordered them wanted some real ones but her husband wont have it, so she wants two metal ones to hang by a tree near her very amazing old house. she may want some more, i would encourage her too, they could be everywhere... :)

  7. thats going to be fun andrew ! ive got to make two peacocks myself in new year - but they are to be fairly flat and wall mounted and are to be made on a bit if a budget! i think your sculpture will be beautiful - peacocks have some lovely details, that sticking up bit on top of the head, the eye shapes in the feathers, the big body tiny head ratio, the size and shape of tail, all things that will look great i rusty steel and glass - i reckon those two materials will look fab in your style of working - ill look out for it!

  8. hey andrew i like this one i particularly like him from the back! he has  alot of power. and i love his kind of mudguard haunches :) fab :) the pictures done like this are great - would be great in time lapse photos - your work would make compelling animation! lots of work to keep stopping and photoing though...

  9. frank! wonderful! i love this kind of art, and indulge in it all the time, i compulsively make and decorate bread :) particularly the magical and fantastic wild sourdough. there is few finer occupations in this life! mine are not made in adobe ovens, but the next best thing, on a wood fired range in my kitchen. thankyou for that beautiful picture, i believe everyone could benefit from this simple nourishing creative outlet! :) i bet you make bread yourself.... :)

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