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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by double_edge2

  1. what a cool setup and buch of tools nakedanvil. not bad for a Swede:o

    just got the bodgie back yard setup pics, when i get to the shed ill grab some pics if the grommet hasnt flogged the batteries again.

    1 first setting up at new house
    2 from top right hand side of yard looking back at tool shed and forge area
    3 left hand cnr of scrap pile, you csn just see the workshop opening on left.
    4 car port fabrication area.
    5 up to forge area, tool shed(1 container shelved and caged, tool storage), and workshop area(2 containers sided and the divisions cut out).
    ....and grommet does this "patent pending" thing in most of the pics i take...lol







  2. lots of good advice...why have a house to live in if you cant live in it.
    id go with communication, and start off with unpacking and restacking when in use and not in use, maybe a small partition/divider fence with a vine or colourbond and a rose garden or the like, then as the vine grows maybe so can your area. but keep it spotless to appease the minister for war and finace:)
    if that fails then of course there's the 44 gallon drum:o

  3. Pipe? What pipe?? ;)

    Yes, thanks very much Bush Bugger, that was very kind & is appreciated.

    Thanks also to the Victorian crew for the great Tee-shirt and advice & tips. And beer! Although I couldn't be there long, and not at all on the day :C, I picked up lots of info that'll be very useful to me as I progress. Thanks a lot guys & ladies, and I hope you all got home safely.

    Mick, I noticed the lack of ash dump, and I'm sure I can get around it. I'm also thinking to fire up my forge to see how it works with a depth of charcoal as compared to your forge - no, I won't use the lot! :D

    See you at the weekend mate.

    not too deep and dont put old charcoal with new. costs me 250 a batch. i already know how much it wastes, experiment with the stuff you bought.
  4. Hey there, i have a few full cotton shirts and some leather steel boots that are lace up, with these be ok? ill have to buy some cotton trousers and some gloves but that wont be a problem. Also if there is any day you have in mind (preferably saturday) ill try and make it. The main area of work i hope to get into is bladesmithing, such as camping knifes and mabey swords if i can. It will be great to get a taste of blacksmithing as i hope to get an apprenticeship with somebody someday so ill be able to tell them i know some basics. Thanks again!
    yep, blacksmithing. lace up ok. saturday morning ok, what time? lol....swords you say? all good, lets just get you started first. :) still waiting for the email with a phone number.
  5. Hey thanks for the reply, i was just wondering what sort of work you do and weather this is more of a job or some general experiance, either way im still very interested.

    hi. up to you what you want to learn. happy to show you blacksmithing, use of welders and the like. i dont ask anything in return. obviousely if you want to make something that will be heavy on stock and consumables, contribute. as for swap learning for labour, if you want thats fine, but if i have a paying job and have you on a shovel, you will be paid.
    bit of time, scrap and charcoal to get you into it and help you to make your own forge....too easy, no charge.
    ill show you how to do something, then you do it, lots, till you do something else......lol:o

    you will need*** a set of slip on leather steel cap work boots and a hat***.
    long sleeve heavy cotton button up shirt with non metallic buttons, long heavy cotton work pants, and gloves if you have them. :)
  6. howdy griffith,

    and welcome to IFI. as long as you have your parents or guardians permission, happy to introduce you to blacksmithing. i will have to enquire on renewing my blue card due to your age, or have one of your parents present, and that is fine as well. mine would have expired. its been a couple of years since working with the scouts, and i had to have one then. I have sent you an email.

  7. also have a couple bags of charcoal and a couple of anvils. it should be noted, bush bugger (ifi member from mt isa) has offered me a $50.00 fuel card to help with my fuel, cos he cant be here in person, which i will accept with thanks.

    thanks bush bugger for the TWO:o...fuel cards that were divided between ratel10mm and myself which was a big help. only took 1 roll, we will send you a set when we get around to getting them done.:D

    thanks matt for the running around with the gear. and oops, found the ash dump in my box....bit of ash and duck tape will do. and dont cut that pipe!....lol
  8. The other thing is it's REALLY hard on your body. You can get kicked, bit,rolled on, etc. Did you ever see a long term farrier with a good back or a set of good knees? Seems a lot like blood money to me, but then again I don't like horses. The only time I shoe them is to scare them away-shoo horse, shoo.

    if they kick and bite, and i survive, its shoo, with a silent " T " ...........lol
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