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I Forge Iron

Jacob s

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Posts posted by Jacob s

  1. does a gas forge really damage carbon in steel, i saw this disription of a knife on ebay that said somthing along those lines.
    the person also said that char coal and coal burning do the opposite and add carbon to the metal to make it stronger.

  2. As i understand, an epee is like a rapier only it has no edge and is more like a thick wire or thin rod that comes to a point. at least thats what i hear,but, does anyone know how one might go about making such a thing?

  3. Hey, has anyone on this site ever made a blade out of a railroad knuckle pin?
    if so, about what size would that be if beaten in hopes to form a simple longsword, or wold it even be that long?

  4. I keep hearing all theese terms like "hot" or "cold" or "heat bluing". but i dont know a definite answer as to wich is safer for the metal. can anybody tell me what method is more reccomended than others?

  5. I've heard that layering nickle and steel while forging can make damascus steel, but i've wondered for a while what the outcome would be if you changed the prosces from layering nickle and steel to layering copper and steel. Has anyone tried or at least knows what happens, or if it can even be done?

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