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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by L. M. REESE

  1. Had a guy tell me one time that I was holding my hammer wrong. I bet him 10 bucks that if he laid his thumb on my anvil, I could splatter it even though I was holding my hammer wrong. He declined and left.
  2. Yeah, I've dealt with drill pipe before. I have a device like what frosty is talking about except it is used to pull old hand operated well pumps. You had to pull them every so often to change the leathers in the check valve which is at the bottom of the well.
  3. That's a good idea. It would probably have to have a pretty thick wall to stand up to the beating and for heat dissipation.
  4. Thanks for the replies. I think I'll try either the upsetting matrix idea or the nail header. Ill let y'all know how it goes.
  5. Thanks ill pass that along. I think one of his other issues was quantity. He needs a couple hundred and most companies have a minimum order well above that.
  6. Thanks for the replies. I am almost sure he could buy them cheaper than I could make them except the freight charges. Plus it seems like a fun project. What do you mean by "upsetting matrix"? I was kinda thinking about building a big nail header and trying to shape the heads like a nail but just making the head one sided. P.S. Jim coke, my profile is updated.
  7. Howdy, I am New to the forum but not new to blacksmithing. I am a full time farrier. One of my horseshoeing clients asked if I could make him some small railroad spikes to use on his live steam railroad. He uses mine rail, I think it is 20 pound rail. The spikes would be made from 3/8" square bar. They need to be about 3" long. I am having trouble figuring out how to forge the head. Has anyone done this type of thing before? Any ideas on how to proceed.?
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