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I Forge Iron

Rob Browne

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Posts posted by Rob Browne

  1. You can add as many straps as you want. The main thing is it stabalises the crack to stop it extending and strengthens the bolt hole with the crack. Other than that it will all be covered in mud anyway.

  2. Put on a repair strap out near the rim to stop the crack opening, line the forge with mortar/sand, make a new tuyere with a few lengths of reo bar and start banging away. A forge is not something to be looked at, its something to use. Mine is downright ugly but it works really well.

  3. Allen, I reckon you could just work on the KISS principle and sit a grill made out of some reo bar in the bottom. No need to weld it in if its shaped correctly. If that works then its easy, if not then its time to start fiddling with clinker breakers.

  4. After the advice from FF if you go ahead with your original plan consider how you are setting up the trailer for use. It would need jacks at each corner for stability like a caravan uses. Also, the anvil would have to be set on the ground or you will lose lots of hammer energy. Maybe a hole in the floor you can put a long anvil support log through so its directly on the ground but the anvil is still inside.

    Personally I would consider a smaller trailer with a canvas annex that can be quickly rolled out, again using caravan technology.

  5. I simply use the ready made brick mortar from a hardware. Mix it, mould it to shape and leave for a week or two then stick a wood fire in it, let cool then off you go. I have had to touch it up a bit after about a year and a half.

  6. Looking good. Mine is made out of a plough disk as well and its a beauty. How have you made your tyuere? As for the galvanised top pipe, you could take it off, walk into the open AWAY from everything, build a largish fire and toss it in. Move right away then get it out when the fire has burnt itself out. No more zinc to worry about.

  7. Doubling the speed of the blower. The first big wheel turns the little wheel fast which is connected to the second large wheel. This spins the second small wheel faster which, it turn, really turns the blower fast.

    You crank slower but the blower goes like the dickens.

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