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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by 123samic

  1. hey guys,

    in the process of building a forge just wondering how much charcoal ill be going through in about an hour, Im gonna be using a 10x8 inch fire pot thats 6 inched deep and mostly working with 1/2 inch stock at regular forging heat and Im using homemade pine charcoal. just thought I would get this up here seeing as I couldnt find much on this topic.

    If anybody can help it would be much appreciated 




  2. hey guys,


    I've been looking around the web for A recommendation for the depth of a charcoal fire pot but I came up with nothin

    so I came here, now I'll mostly be working with small 1/4-1/2 inch stock and be using home made pine charcoal so If anybody can tell me what depth they recommend I'm all ears.


    thanks in advance,


  3. Hi I'm in the middle of restoring a forge blower but have run into a slight problem, the fan is rusted onto the shaft and I cant remove it . if you guys have any advise it would be much appreciated.




  4. Hi

    I was wondering if I could get any suggestions on what to use for a firepot on a charcoal forge. I've been researching an don't think that a break drum will be deep enough (please correct me if I am wrong). I am also on a tight budget so I cant buy a commercial firepot.




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