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I Forge Iron

Francis Trez Cole

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Posts posted by Francis Trez Cole

  1. I am in florida where rust from salt is very distrutive. What I do is treat the metal with aosforic acid. prime and paint it will hold up for about 5 years. then you will have to refinish it. some of the restoration work I have done was matching work form the 1920's the home owner repaints it every year. the new and the old look the same with no rust. work clean and get a good seal.

    the other choice is to get wrought Iron from old demolition and re work it.

  2. Drako11 they have 12V 115V & 230V. I use a 115V it is great you can see how well it works in a video on my web sight Welcome to nokomis Forge - Hand-Crafted My Custom Ironwrok My forge is 11"x11"x 4" welded plate the tube is 4"x4" with a built in damper. It will get away from you if you run it full out.

    Dragon lair I had that problem with my gas forge so I turned it around with the vents facing away from the forge. works fine now

  3. Thanks Frank for your discription.

    I take my regular fire place the metal to be welded on top pour more green coal on top of the metal. and wet. bring up to heat slowly pull out metal wire brush flux with borax and slide back into hole. Dome is formed. Heat metal to bright yellow remove sling excess flux toward floor and hit lightly and evenly make sure all areas are welded.

  4. Myself I used a speed control in the past now I let the motor run and use a damper the avantage I have found when I forge weld I can use short blasts of air to bring the heat up fastwith out waiting for the motor to wind up. I had my eletronic control fail in the middle of a demo. thank goodness for a multy tool. rewired and back at it in 5 min.

  5. it is my understanding that in the point of the copper braclet is not absorbed the studys were done by Tessler and it is the C shape that causes a electical field like a magnet. I an sure that iron will work but copper is a better conductor. What was explained to me was you should ware one around each wrist, ankle, and heck. to aline your own field. I have a firend who has done research there is a mand who cured cancer in the 1930 with radio waves. I will ask him about iron

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