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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by julian

  1. This is my latest knife, a drop point hunter. I don't know for sure what grade the steel is, but it is HC according to spark testing. The handle is Wenge wood, given to me by Rich Hale (thanks rich!). In the first picture you can see the reflection of the camera, hehe :)


  2. Before experimenting with metal and explosives (not the greatest combination in the world) I would attempt a simple potato gun. Me and my friends used to make these, and if done right they are quite powerful. Brass is also not a very hard metal and would probably either break or bend after it was shot. Again, a cannon is a weapon of war, and is meant to kill, so I wouldnt underestimate it's power!

    So I would try a potato gun, they consist of only PVC pipe and hairspray. It'll still send a tater straight through plywood :)


  3. Reedemer, if your entire forge is built from cinder blocks it will crack, and break apart. My first couple of forges were of the cinder block design and they broke apart in an hour or so. I'd recommend a brake drum as a fire pot to START with, but try and get a good heavy commercial firepot if you can. If you're using wood charcoal, you can make a simple forge out of a washtub and fireclay. Also, charcoal briquets give off toxic fumes when burned at high heat in a forge so I would stay away from them.

    Most guys on here know lots more about blacksmithing than I do, but thats just my two bits.


  4. I remember the demo that really got me into smithing..the blacksmith was a real nice fella, and I bought a small leaf keychain from him..today that leaf is still on the keychain next to one that i made :).

    Little things can really go a long way, eh?

  5. I have been tinkering around with practice knives, out of mild steel. I'm starting to get a better feel of what the steel likes to do; still got a long way to go before I can get the forging process of a knife down to more of a science. I also have lots more practice to do on handles, and many of the finer parts of blades. Trying a sword has given me a newfound respect for bladesmiths...it makes me think how much bladesmiths really put into their work, and how much I have to put into my future work.

    Jim, thank you for such an offer; you are an amazing bladesmith, and it's a blessing to get firsthand knowledge from an expert. I'll take your advice; stick to knives, get comfortable with them, then take on bigger projects. Afterall, being a bladesmith has been a profession for many people; if it was easy, everyone would be a bladesmith! :lol:

    Thanks guys,

  6. Well, people have been asking me "have you ever made a sword??!", so I decided to try one, just to be able to say I have. Made out of scrap mild steel, just for a wallhanger, but i chopped some oranges withit :). Also I have a question- what's a good method of making/attaching handleguards? I've just made out of steel and welded, but I've been wanting to try brass.


  7. You know those weird "mind trick" kinda things? Like looking at a picture of red dots for a while, and seeing a picture in the dots? Here's one

    Say "penny" it makes you smile

    Anyone got some more?

  8. Well said bp. Fire welding may seem almost impossible the first couple trys, but once you get a weld, it feels great. Keep at it; the boring but true old saying---practice makes perfect. (or at least real good :) )

    BTW i would recommend using commercial coke- more expensive than coal, but lasts much longer and burns much hotter/clean. Excellent for welding too.

  9. JWB, before i really started blacksmthing, i tinkered around with copper and brass. One thing i found very easy to make out of copper and brass are roses. Also, these kind of roses are much easier to make/ decorate than iron or steel, and you can make a whole vase in no time if you want. So in case you dont have enough time to practice the iron ones or somethin, might wanna give these a try :).

    if that didnt work heres the URL


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