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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by A.R.

  1. Thank you all for your thoughts and insight. I will be flying up to WA, in the morning to see her as the situation has turned south. She is being released from the hospital for hospice with medication to keep her comfortable while she finishes her time here. We will be taking her to her mothers house where it is peaceful, beautiful gardens, and all her family and friends will be able to visit.

  2. Hello everyone, I have a situation that I don’t know where to ask so I am turning to every group that I am a part of. 

    My mother has serious rectal cancer that has spread to her kidneys, liver, and lungs. She has recently had surgery for a colostomy and has been re admitted to the hospital for dehydration and now a bladder infection and has been there for about 10 days. I am a realist an know what what is eventually going to happen so I have been in constant communication and will be taking FMLA starting next week for as long as it takes.

    My brother and I have been visiting as often as we can. He lives in Oregon and I live in Nevada. Our folks live in Washington. Most of her siblings, her mother and all of her friends live less than 2 hours from her. 

    Now that’s out there here is the situation. My dad keeps saying that they want to move to either to Lewiston or Twin Falls Idaho to be closer to medical facilities. My mom would be much farther from her family and friends and I know she doesn’t want that. 

    It turns out that my dad wants to move to Idaho because of his political views and he “doesn’t like the gun laws” in Washington. 

    This absolutely breaks my heart and I don’t know how to tell him to put his views aside while our mother and his wife of over 37 years finishes her time here. I have no idea what he is actually thinking and he won’t tell us.

    I know we all deal with earth shattering news differently and I would like some input. 

    I would like to add that this diagnosis has brought my brother and I back together after not speaking for about a year. And my relationship with my wife and daughter has never been stronger since I quit my alcohol addiction on 8/16/2017, nearly 2 years.

    Thank you all.

  3. Frosty, 

    I haven’t thought to check if it’s still magnetic but the digging bar held washers up for 5 days. I will go check. We made a video of it for her school and I thought of this after the fact but it is what it is and I had fun.  and my daughter thinks I’m a nerd but of course my dad jokes are next level funny. 

    Still magnetic, file just barely hanging on.


  4. Didn’t do any forging today but made this with my daughter. She was having trouble coming up a with a science experiment so we made a few electromagnets. We made one from a digging bar with 20 wraps of copper and another from a crowbar with 60 wraps and a heavy duty battery charger.  We went through different settings 2,10,20 amps etc and SHE noticed the magnet was stronger on the end where the bar was thicker. Being a Lineman I somewhat expected this result. Well we submitted her project and I’m not one to leave well enough alone and knew we could do better. This was Saturday and just today I thought of using my anvil as our iron core, 146 lbs of Swedish steel works awesome and now sports a new copper dress. Science experiment a success.

    in the second pic the tongs  are falling because the charger timed out. 40 amp setting.

    Do o dare try 225 amps? I want to but...




  5. Wow Frosty that is a neat story and I knew you would be along sooner or later as I have been lurching here for quite some time now. This old girl has been around since 1925 or 26, not sure since both dates are stamped in her. It was owned by a gentleman who is somewhat of a local legend out it my tiny town that stamped his name it also. Clark county has a historical marker at his place now an I’ll be sure to take a picture of it and post it here. 

    And now the story of how she came to me.

    I have been taking the same route to work for the past 11 years and never really looked at this one property (complacency?). But one afternoon I notice a post vise mounted to a pipe next to a shed, I could smell the anvil right then. So naturally I stopped and started talking to him about all things tool related, maybe 30 to 45 minutes before I asked him if he happened to have an anvil. He said yes and my blood started pumping, but when he said he didn’t want to sell it I think he saw my heart sink into my boots and took pity on me. He then asked if I do side jobs and of course I said yes so we agreed on the price of zero, yes zero dollars and 2 hours worth of electrical work for the anvil. And now she’s all mine.

    One more thing Frosty, I see you talk about your “sorceress” but can’t find any info on them. What does that mean exactly? 

    Thanks for letting me share.

  6. These are my 4 legged family members. Dudley my lab whom I found at work abandoned as a puppy in August in the desert, I simply refused to leave him there-and he rode home in my work truck that day. Maestro the Aussie who is our 150 mph gate keeper and chicken protector. Groot is what we call our love chug. He’s a chihuahua pug mix that loves him some lap time. And then there’s the sheep and goats, Bill and Ted, Shaun, Mowgley, Splash and Ellie. Upon request I will name all the bees but it might exceed posting rules.


    dog 01.jpg




  7. Here my new (to me) anvil. It’s a 146 pound Soderfors Paragon in what I believe to be in pristine condition. I have not done the ball bearing test yet but it has outstanding rebound based on a missed hammer blow. Oops, no damage though this thing is hard. I just got set up a couple weeks ago and made a few tools, have a lot to learn but this is great and I am excited to learn from everyone here.



    P.S. If the photos are too large I apologize, first time posting photos and with a smarterthanme phone.





  8. I just got all set up about 2 weeks ago. I am going to post in the appropriate threads but I’ve got a prestine 146 lb soderfors, iron city post vise, champion 400 blower that turns like a dream, nice fire pot and a pretty cool old forge that I made a coal tray from old steel diamond plate stairs that I cut to fit. 

    It’s too bad nevada recycling won’t sell to the public. That would be a gold mine for you lol.

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