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I Forge Iron

Roybeard Passmore

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Everything posted by Roybeard Passmore

  1. Thanks to everybody for the replies. David Einhorn, I had thought about that, but I would rather make my own. I know it's easier to get some pre-made at the hardware store, but it's not near as fun. And unless I'm making something that's gonna need a lot of screws, it would probably be cheaper and faster to make them than it would be driving to town to buy a couple.
  2. Sorry y'all. Auto correct got me. I meant a metal screw for fastening wood together. And thanks for the replies. This forum has been a lot of help for me starting my little smithy
  3. The title is pretty much self explanatory. I've been try to find an old screw swage, but I'm not having much luck. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  4. Do any of y'all have any good ideas for how to make a drill chuck for an old champion drill press? The drill I have only came with one bit and I'm having a hard time finding more bits or a chuck and can't find any good information on building a chuck any where
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