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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by bhardy501

  1. If you feel the need to have some good edges and do want to but alot of $ in it. Just follow the preheat instructions you have red about and weld it up with 7018 and let it air cool. I have done a few not so good anvils for people short on cash, this way and they have worked fine.

    I have had several people tell me to do this process. I have about decided to go this route. I already have everything to do this with.
  2. I found this anvil today, didnt have to give a lot for it. The top is pretty level but the sides of the top are pretty bad. I was thinking about grinding the sides down and rebuilding them up to the top. I dont know what kind it is, there are no markings on the anvil other than a 7 cast in the center of the bottom edge on the front. The horn area seems to be in decent shape. The worst part of it is the top sides. I was tinking that I would build up the top corners with either nickel rods for cast iron and then capping with hardening rods or just building it up with the surface hardening rods. I have been readingg about pre heat and then slow cooling in something like sand. Any thoughts? I dont have much in it so if I mess it up I am not out that much. Also anyone have any idea of who made it and a possible age?

    post-29274-0-83119200-1353981245_thumb.j post-29274-0-53118200-1353981253_thumb.j post-29274-0-01880000-1353981269_thumb.j post-29274-0-70502900-1353981278_thumb.j post-29274-0-98630600-1353981289_thumb.j post-29274-0-24212500-1353981298_thumb.j

    The size is approx 17" long, 3" wide (at top), and 8" tall. Weighs around 70 lbs.

  3. Hello everyone, been looking around a bit and thought I would join the forum. I really want to learn some blacksmithing. I have experience in doing machine work and welding but never much in the way of blacksmithing. I know I will have questions. I am interested in picking up a small forge. I have a friend that has a small propane forge that he uses for horse shoing but also uses to make knives and different things. I would like to get one like he has.
    A little about me, I am 44. My occupation is a Paramedic with one of our two local hospital based EMS services. I am a Freemason, Oostanaula #113 F&AM in Rome GA. Past Master of my lodge in 2010.

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