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I Forge Iron

J W Bennett

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Posts posted by J W Bennett

  1. Since things have slowed down and I've had a little extra time to try different things I've been trying out a few more BP's. I don't know how many of you have taken the time to go through them but if you haven't you really should.I have been wanting to try a 45 degree peen hammer ever since I read James Joyce's BP0193 cross pein hammers, so I printed out BP0343 by B. Norris and followed it and made a 2# and a 3# right and a 2# and a 3# Left. Wanted to try them out so I pulled up BP0303 Swivel Link universal tongs and made a set.The new 3# hammer made drawing out the reins not nearly as awkward. Decided while I was making tongs I'd try a set from Feukair's post"well I made my first set of tongs". I also tried BP0397 with Bill Epps' Chilli Peppers. Made my bride a string of peppers for in the kitchen.
    I have used a lot of the BP's over the past year since I found IFORGEIRON. I feel guilty because I need to submit more BP's than I have.
    Anyway I thought maybe some of you would like to share some of the results of the BP's you have tried.
    Thank you Glenn and all the contributors for such a great resource.




  2. Like Ten Hammers I have several differet size pair made out of Needle nose from yard sales and flea markets. Just grind the teeth off and reshape to your likeing. The ones I use to shape rose petals out of 16 gauge still have the rubber handles on them and I bend the petals at a red/orange heat. The grips make it nice when your making 10 or 12 at a time.


  3. Kogatana,
    Please don't take me wrong but From the questions you have asked it would probably be best it you signed up for a vocational course in basic welding, or at least found a local blacksmithing /metalworking group to join. They willl help you alot.
    I'm not trying to discourage you but you will learn quicker and safer if you know the basics before you purchase your own equipment.


  4. Sorry I haven't replied sooner. I went to a 3 day show and haven't had time to log on.

    Thanks for the tip. I will try that next time I have a chance.

    I'd like to tell you I forge welded the two eyes I made but I did not. After forging the eyes they were mig welded and then the weld was hammered out and dressed up.


  5. I posted the pictures of the eye bolts in the blacksmithing section today in a thread titled forged eyebolts.Sorry it took so long but it's been a pretty hectic summer/fall.

    The Bridge was completed on October 1st, 2 weeks prior to the Covered Bridge festival. Now I need to post some pictures of the finished bridge.


  6. These are pictures of me straightening one of the remaining 5 2" hold down rods. The fire and collapse of the bridge twisted them up pretty good. I also had to remove the top square head nuts so the rods could go back thru the upper plate (lots of heat from the rosebud and a 36" pipewrench removed all but one).





  7. Back in August and September I posted a thread in non-blacksmithing about rebuilding the Bridgeton Covered Bridge. I had written of being asked to make 2 duplicate eye bolts to match the six existing eyebolts on the bridge foundation. The rods that go through these eye bolts fasten the bridge to the foundations. Dan Collom the contractor rebuilding the bridge provided me with 2 - 4' lengths of one of the original 2" tie down rods that was mistakenly cut up by the county right after the bridge was burnt down. Luckly this was the only rod of the original 6 that got cut up.
    I promised pictures and finally got the film developed tonight.

    Poor Clifford came down the lane as I was just getting started and got drafted as the striker. We didn't have anyone to take pictures as we double teamed the rod but I did get a sequence of the first rod being straightened and then a couple finishing cleaning up the hammer marks.

    I would be the fat guy with the hair, sweat and no safety glasses.









  8. I often wished I had another set of hands. However over te years I have found ways to get around not having 2 sets of hands. I made some eyebolts for the covered bridge project in september out of 2" roundstock that came from the original bridge. I have to admit I was glad when a friend came down the driveway and offered to help. Thats the one and only time I've had a striker but he sure was handy.
    Don't reckon I will ever get to the point were I can afford one anyways.


  9. AM,
    From what I looked at on the net to get (steal) ideas with the foot control and all better than $1000. I couldn't go that route for something I could buld myself.

    We are currently scrapping out some old equipment at work. one of the dies was sitting on the 2 sheets of 1/4" hence the bad rust scale on one side.


  10. I spent some time the last week or two making a new blasting cabinet. I had made a wooden one 2 years ago that was ok but the splinters would clog the gun and there was several flaws in my first design.I have included a picture of the old cabinet in the pics attached below.
    I was given two 4' x 8' sheets of 1/4" steel so I figuerd since it was pretty rusty on one side it was a good time to make a new cabinet with the improvements I had been wanting. Here are some pictures of the finished cabinet except for a little more paint and a new foot switch
    I have about $47 in it. The two channels running down the front inside of the cabinet are the vents for fresh air. The dust collector(shop vac) pulls from the top of the cabinet about 2" off the back. Those are 3 100 watt floodlights in the top also. I have used it quite a bit this week and it works great.
    Just thought I would share.









  11. I finally got thr first set of the jig and wrapped the second set then before it cooled I put on a pair of gloves and it unscrewed off the gig just fine. I made the other jig that Gerald had in his bp also. Worked like a charm. I had always freehanded them before.
    Irnsrgn, I put the pipe on the belt sander after I removed the first set that was stuck and also cut off about 4" of excess. I beleive that also helped.
    Ten hammers, you an Iron were both dead on about not quenching.
    Moony. I also beveled the top of the pipe after I had removed the excess length and put it on the belt sander.

    Thanks everyone who responded with suggestions, I hope this helps others in the future.


    "I like happy endings"

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