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I Forge Iron

Dillon Sculpture

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Posts posted by Dillon Sculpture

  1. I wish I had 3 phase, just a 15 hp rotary converter. I looked at an big old induction heater at auction back before the small ones were popular, it was as big as a truck!

    Calculation for forge capacity

    5" x 5" x 30" = 2250 cu. in. divided by 1728 cu. in./ cu. ft. = 1.3 cu. ft. of steel
    Raise 1.3 cu.ft. to 2250 deg. F. from 50 deg. F.
    Specific of steel= .165 Btu per lb. per F deg.
    1 cu ft of steel = 490 lbs., times 1.3 cu ft = 637 lbs
    Raise 2150 deg. F deg net
    .165 Btu/lb/F deg times 637 lbs times 2150 deg.F = 226,000 Btu's with no heat loss
    Furnace size to be approx 2 ft x 3 ft. x 1.5 ft. = 27 sq. ft. of interior furnace area

    A estimate of heat loss and refractory soak for walls are 4 1/2" or thicker. Gross heat input required to balance heat loss to fire-brick walls, the heat stored in the furnace wall as well as the heat which flows through the wall. An estimate of a 430,000 Btu's, with a cold start to temp of approximately 60 minutes.

    226,000 Btu plus 430,000 Btu's = 657,000 Btu required as an estimate. Knowing that I may heat more or less, take more or less time to heat up, but knowing that I have the capacity to get a load up to forging temp in a reasonable time and that once the forge soaks out I would have some turn down capability to reduce heat input. Granted it is all an estimate but just trying to get as close as possible so that when the unit is built it will do the job that iI need to do.

    Looking into the 750 burner http://hauckburner.thomasnet.com/viewitems/gas-burners/pbg-packaged-gas-burners? not cheap but as a complete unit the efficiency and the hugh turndown would be an advantage.

  2. I have the same machine, I use mine as a tig scratch arc, old school style. It is the only welding machine in my shop that will work after a EMP though :lol: You can find all kinds of info on the rods and what they are used for on the web but I would recommend drying them in a oven first, good luck.

  3. What other disciplines would you consider conceptual art? Theoretical math, jazz, contemporary dance, artscience, poetry, on and on and on? It's a matter of choice what inspires, entertains or leaves you hopelessly depressed... Just because you don't understand the intent doesn't mean it worthless. Even if you don't "get it" you still have been exposed and there is not much you can do but carry on. To think "ART" is a sham just waiting for the next sucker shows a closed mind and a hugh intolerance towards all that is wonderful and tragic in life.

  4. I noticed that you have not isolated the plinth to the wall, why? Would not it be better to isolate the plinth from the floor with material capable of absorbing the vibrations?

    It was, just no picture, 1/2" fiberboard sheathing. I am still have problems with stuff falling of the walls and shelves ;)
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