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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by caver95

  1. From what you have said it is difficult to make an assumption but my guess is it just didn't get hot enough. This is information that I got from the Anvilfire Guru Den several years ago.

    "You will need at least 450 BTUs per cubic inch of forge chamber volume if your forge is going to be able to forge-weld. Some would argue for a figure as high as 540 BTUs per cubic inch.

    The "Reil Burner" will deliver about 135,000 BTUs at medium to higher gas pressures, and can be cranked up to almost 200,000 BTUs by raising the pressure to 20 psi or more. In the lower pressure range of from 1-6 psi, where I do most of my work, it will produce about 60,000 BTUs, or even a little less. Use the middle figure in any design calculations.

    Shoot for a burner to volume ratio of 1:300 or less. Some smiths who are very
    knowledgeable would say a more conservative ratio of 1:250 would be safer and insure that your forge will be able to weld. To calculate how many 3/4" burners you will need just divide the total chamber volume of your forge, in cubic inches, by 250 or 300, and then round up. If you come out to a burner requirement of 2-1/3 burners, then you will need 3 burners for your planned forge volume. Always plan conservatively or you may end up with a forge that is too cold to forge-weld."

    I will try putting a couple brinks in the chamber take up some space.
  2. Build a heated building around the anvil. Good for the smith too.

    Anvil Heater
    A search of IForgeIron found this information.

    I like this Idea the best. now just to get enough cash for the building, I might work a power hammer in the building cost to present to the boss for final approval.
  3. I am trying to make a forge weld in my propane forge, I can do it on a small area for a fire proker, but I tried to make a basket for a handle, and I could not get it. I finally heated it up with a torch and did it. Is my forge not hot enough, did I not do it right? I am using borax for flux. Any advise is welcome.

  4. Kind of make you sad when you think of the waste that goes on. And he was likely eating organic food and preaching about taking care of the environment too like numerous activists I have run across. ;)

    What do you mean off road? my hummer is so I can get around town safely, I try to use bio diesel....

    I was working for a real estate office a couple years ago. I asked about recycling paper. the owner told me he let God sort it out. it is very sad the amount of wast that goes on in this country, hey at least if I am questioned about my found treasures I can say I am starting a Recycling shop.
  5. thanks, I also think when i asked about it, there was something about that large size tank, about 5' that there was another problem refilling it, maybe trucking it myself. I will have to look into it again.

    Check with Air Gas, I have a friend that works for them, in tallahassee, he says they dont worry about the hydro and all that, they swap the bottle out.
    I have no affiliation with Airgas.
    good luck.
  6. don't rent, buy unless there is no other option. Make sure the tanks you buy have a date on them that will be good to refill for at least a couple of years (ask the refill guy where the date is and how to read it properly). If you are a part time user the tanks may last you for quite a while. I got stuck with a big oxy tank almost brand new, but the time has run out so no one will fill it now. I will probably make a bell out of it. Genreally hobart is a good name so the torch should be good. I have found you will spend closer to $300 for tanks and torch, for a small hvac setup. Yours is probably bigger and will be more money. Go with the tanks that are about 3' tall, I can never remember if they are "c" tanks or what letter. they will last you quite a while unless you do a lot of burning. hope this helps, I am sure there are lots or more knowledgeable welders out there though.

    You can get the tanks re tested. They must be hydrostaticly tested every so many years, for scuba tanks it five. I dont know what for bigger bottles. That would be one really expensive bell.
  7. For the gas look up Air gas, or Air products. I dont know they merge every other week. try welding supply you can rent a bottle or buy them and swap them out. As far as torches go I was given a $100 harbour frieght set that seems to work. I am going to pick up an acetylene bottle and T bottle of N2 from a guy who no longer needs them. its a big bottle too. if you where close to FL I would give you the N2 bottle, it could probably swaped for a o2 bottle.

  8. I have herd the term "you get what you pay for" many times. Getting started out, I am working with the little extra money i earn on the side to get a forge going. I bought a 55lb anvil from HF for $29. I beat only hot steel on it, but I still beat the heck out of the face and edges, no I am not missing too much. So I pulled out my trusty old 9amp 4.5in agnle grinder and went to town. I made the horn round. cleand off the face and put a radius on the edges. Sparks where flying, but not that many on them. I guess the cheap things is cast iron or mild steel, there is not tool steal on the face. is there any way I can weld a piece of tool steel on the face? or would I be best if I took the time I would waste on the anvil worked and saved for a nice anvil, get my buddy to take half the money I would spend on some tool steel, take me in the back and kick me a couple of times?

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