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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Kearnach

  1. I've been playing with my new tomahawk drift the past few days on the forge... there's a little bit of a learning curve getting everything tight and decent looking (or what passes for it in my shop), but I've had lots of fun.

    I messed up the first time and spread the bit too thin before slitting to steel the bit, but decided to finish it out, assuming correctly that I'd mess up something else along the way. This one taught me a lot about keeping the eye the way I want it and forming the blade.


    The second hawk was better, steeled the bit with 1095 at the same time that I brought the sides together. My gas forge is a little cool for welding mild steel (I think I need to reline it, bought it used), but I got it to weld. This was a gift to a friend.


    The third hawk was made on my coal forge, so the welds are a lot better. I think the shape is better too.


    I welcome any feedback.

  2. So, this is the first knife I've made since joining the ABS, and the first since joining here too... 1084 Carbon steel, gaboon ebony, stainless bolts and lanyard tube, and red and black liners.

    There's several flaws in this blade, and I intend to spend another hour or two hand sanding, but some of the mistakes aren't really correctable (big grinder scratch in the ricasso) without taking the scales off and rehandling it. I intend to keep it as a reminder to get it right before I move on to the next step :P


  3. Not that I've found, and I've been over every inch of this anvil... when I picked it up it had severe pitting on all surfaces, as if it had been left out in the weather for long years... 2 days of grinding later and the face was slick and shiny.

    No numbers or marks of any kind, tough :(

  4. Hey guys, can anyone give me a positive ID on this anvil? I think it's a Hay Budden, but as you can see, there's no markings left due to corrosion.
    Things that make me think it's a HB:
    1 1/8" Hardy hole corresponds with HB's sizing for anvil weight (~270 lbs)
    The waist
    Porter holes from forging
    On the bottom of the anvil there appeared to be a "lip" around the base, maybe 1/4" thick, but seems to have worn away. From what I understand of HB anvils, there was often an hourglass shaped depression in the base.




  5. Hey everybody, I've been playing around at blacksmithing and bladesmithing for a couple of years now, and have spent a weekend here and there at my buddy's forge. I just picked up my first anvil a week ago, and I'm ready to get started doing this as a more serious endeavor. Here's some pics of a knife I made for christmas, and my anvil (both before and after I cleaned it up).




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