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I Forge Iron

Thom Noblitt y Gonzalez

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Posts posted by Thom Noblitt y Gonzalez

  1. Here is some video of the service. I am not sure if it is better or worse audio then the facebook livestream. The batter did fail at one point so it is not the complete service.

    The link will start at the hammer ringing about 38 min into the service. I would recomend going back to hear the speakers.

    I will own up to missing my strike. Leave it to Thomas to make sure to give me another lesson.

    The anvil we used was the one he made. He had a delightful story about twisting it. Any way. I had known it could ring differently and I tries to get artistic instead of just hitting it and well I messed up. A good lesson to stay focused even in a high pressure situation.

    Thom Student to Thomas, may his lessons always push and guide me.

  2. Part 2 of the New Mexico Artists Blacksmith Association (NMABA) meeting on 4/1/2023. Gathering at Pep Gomez's shop in Las Cruses NM.

    We were treated to a demonstration on pattern welding. He covered everything from material selection and preparation, to welding and pattern development while answering questions which led to some unique rabbit trails. This video is a collection of multiple short videos I took during the demonstration on one of the cameras I had going. I hope to eventually make a better or multiple videos but for now here is a good portion of what I collected.


  3. We did a bloomery years ago. I was still in college so around 10 years ago? We used scale from his shop, black sand he collected from the arroyo near by, and some material he sourced (he might have spent $). We ran it out in his yard using mud etc. I have pictures of it from it on a goggle drive etc. (I should see if I can share a link to that somewhere for people that are interested.) We ran it all day and most of the night. We even cooked dinner (polish sausage) over it.

    Any way. The 3rd member of our team was going to study the bloom and get it back to us. To my knowledge we didn't get it back. So the best of the material was lost. There is still some of it in the shop but we didn't go back to consolidate it.

    We had plans to try and build a better bloomery, based off of a section in the Mastery and Uses of Fire in Antiquity, because it was supposed to be reusable. But it hasn't happened yet.


    Thom, Student of Thomas,

    Why are we doing it that way? So we can say we did it that way....

  4. Finally got this video out. It could probably use more polish but I am going to put more effort into the second video of the day, where he demonstrated forge welding at his shop.

    This video is from a New Mexico Artist Blacksmith Association (NMABA) Demo at the Farm and Ranch Museum in Las Cruses NM on 4/1/2023.

    Pep Gomez demonstrated how to forge a Miner's Candle Stick holder (based off of Mark Asprey's work) out of one piece of steel, using minimum hand tools and a small propane forge.


  5. 5 anvils on site. 

    3 he made, including the one that we rang in his honor during the services. All three of them were different sledge hammer heads and then they got steel legs. One with a twist. 

    I think there were twice as many hammers. A few of his projects, his laurel stone of damacles and his hat. 



    Student of Thomas, may he get away with researching infernal pitchfork design because he will try. 





  6. I am sorry if this linking breaks any rules. 


    Jo Ann says they are planning to stream the service. A link should be on the churches website. https://www.epiphany-net.org/ It points to their facebook page but it is something.


    The service is supposed to be at 1030 am (local New Mexico time) tomorrow 7/5. 


    Thom. Student of Thomas, may he find a way to pass on how they decorated the pearly gates without dropping off a sample. 

  7. Finally stringing some words together. It ant easy. Thank you all for sharing and checking in. 

    Home from battlemoor. 

    I made an announcement I never wanted to make but one that had to be made. I did my best to tell people in person, at this point I guess I let the web do the rest of the work. 

    A laurel leaf has fallen. Watch out it is heavy. 

    One of my best friends has decided it was time to ascend and learn what metal made the best halos, how the pearly gates were assembles, how valkery armor is made and may the secret to infernal pitchforks. Thomas Powers. The man that helped forge me into the man I am passed last Saturday. I still can not find words. I will have more information as I can collect and deliver it. 


    I thank everyone that shared stories of him with me. Thank you for honoring his memory in story, drink can comradery. 


    In his time, he had traveled the known world, working the bloomery crew and forging at Pensic. Adding his anvils Ring to the din and noise at Estrella, Grand Outlandish and even Survived the winds of Battlemoore 1, 2, and beyond, no surprise he always had Outlandishly long tent stakes at hand. I helped him run classes in Narune, Citadel, al-Barran and of course Saint Golias.  (His time back east in Pennsylvania and traveling up and down New Mexico, Colorado, and into Arizona for SCA events where he would teach and demonstrate all day long.)(some of the events were very windy so he had 1/2-3/4 stock he would make into 12"+ tent stakes to help hold down the big tents)


    If you wanted to talk metal, you needed to escape before he got you to listen to the spark of divine madness he would instill in you. 


    Batu Mongo, Student to Master Wilelm the Smith - May the sparks from his forge light the passion of a thousand smiths.


    Image is a pin I made him to celebrate an anniversary. Enameled copper. 


  8. Just got back from an SCA event, made an announcement about Thomas at one of the courts. I will see if there is a record. Any way I got this notification on my way back. 


    Sad news:

    The College of Saint Golias lost our beloved blacksmith last Saturday. The services for Master Wilelm the Smith, MLA Thomas Powers, will be held at the Episcopal Church across from New Mexico Tech in Socorro on Wednesday, 5 July at 10:30 am.


    Please pass on this information to others who knew him.



    The pictures are one of his banners and his laurel stone. Instead of a fancy scroll they carved a stone. It was his scroll of damacles because when he got it they held it over his head. 


    Thom, student of Thomas, do you think he has figured out what they make halos out of yet?




  9. 1 hour ago, Steve Sells said:

    Thomas was one of the original IFI curmudgeons, we even have him on an IFI T-shirt, I think he got one when we bumped into each other at quad state a few years ago

    If you have pictures or know where I can get one please let me know.



    Student to Thomas - May the gates of heaven be well secured, not because he would break out, but he might do destructive testing on the iron work. 


  10. To big for a bracelet, to small for an armband on me, and the original plan to make it a penanular style brooch will not work with this current shape. If I added a pin it would slide off the ends. But, as I thought of rebending things, without annealing, I heard a voice telling me stop before I made an irreversible mistake. Like the last one, that I almost ripped in half. 


    That is enough for me. I swung hammer, I moved metal, the anvil rung, even burned some propane. That is enough for now. 


    Words fail me. I am sure they will return. For now I make this statement. The work will continue. The lessons will keep coming (notice where I damages the piece trying to twist it with the wrong tools and technique, again.) I will keep to the path and improve. The road goes ever onward.


    Thom Student to Thomas

    May he always be kind of enough to laugh before I make a mistake, so I have time to stop, and laugh nervously. 




  11. What a difference a week can make.

    As a general update, Thomas is doing much better. He is able to carry on most conversations. He is able to take calls if anyone wants to check in with him. I was told that by the end of the weekend he was making short walks, so he is out of bed and starting to move about.

    I don't think they have sorted out how to get the internet really working out there so don't expect him be posting to soon. He was usually checking in when they visited town to run errands and I don't think he is that mobile yet.



    Student of Thomas, may the forge always welcome him.

  12. Monday Morning Update,

    He has improved a lot since things kicked off late last week.

    When I saw him on Friday he was trying to keep up with conversation and was capped at about 2-3 words. 

    I was told, on Saturday he tried to stand up. He was going to convince everyone he was perfectly fine and they could stop over reacting. When that didn't work out he went back to the drawing board. Although his legs were not up to the task he was getting back into his stubborn self and was ready to be up and doing things. From what I was told he didn't remember the last couple of days. I should note that the minions kind of expected some of this. When his sugars get that high he usually suffers from some memory loss, kind of like being really really drunk.

    James told me to be weary of Darling Doctor Dana (Thomas's veterinary daughter) I guess he was not aware of her power. I went to college with her and knowing her lineage so I never doubted the fire that burns in her. He was surprised when she laid down the law, starred down Thomas, and told him he needed to rest. Thomas could be a powerful curmudgeon, capable of sending minions scurrying but against a daughter protecting her family, he lost. It is good to know that he is in good care, even if she has to threaten him with the cone of shame. He had the whole family there, his mother, two of his daughters, some of the grand kids, a minion, and his loving wife. I think that did more for him then anything else.

    When I visited on Sunday he was keeping up with most of the conversations and adding in bits and pieces. He wasn't up for leading a discussion but he was adding in a few words at a time etc. He also asked for a bacon cheeseburger with light green chili. First time I had seen him eat or ask for food since all of this started. They are still working on getting his sugars and everything back in order but it is a lot better than earlier. After a full meal he followed along with most of the conversation but eventually drifted off to sleep. I am sure he needs his rest.

    I will not lie, I was a mess late last week and most of us were preparing for the worst. Some still are but as someone that knows him put it, he is a stubborn man and he is going to make death work for it.

    Thank you everyone for your prayers, well wishes and ringing the anvil for my friend.

    I will try to do my part and keep you up to date.


    Thom Student of Thomas

    May he remember to nap early and often, because studies* show it is good for him, and his minions.



    * there is no need to look up those studies, really, they are honestly there, and not some minion sponsored propaganda.

  13. As an update. 

    My master has returned home. They have set up his oxygen system and he sounds better (less of a rattling cough) and he is answering in longer sentences. 



    On a side note does anyone know: (in jest)

    1- the minimum safe distance a forge should be from the oxygen machine/extra tanks?


    2- how best to hook up any spare oxygen tank to a forge for high efficiency. 


    Thomas just gave me a look when I suggested it. 


    Thom Student of Thomas 

    May his forge always light on the first match. 

  14. Patrick, Verizon cell service is bad on that side of town. Her phone works at home and on the north side of town but there is no service around the hospital. So some phones are a no go. Hopefully it will be corrected soon. (small New Mexico town problems.) I will make sure she gets the message. 


    Thom Student to Thomas

    Speak softly, ring the anvil loudly, and remember your hearing protection. 

  15. Visited Thomas at the hospital. They are doing what they can to keep him comfortable. Except he wants to get out of bed and they say no. They being his wife, daughters, and mother. So he is surrounded by love, but can't get the minions to challenge his caretakers. (He thought us Jo Ann calls health shots and we listen.) Any way he could answer some yes and no questions and add to some conversations but he is mostly out of it, has a heavy cough and is short of breath. His sugars were climbing before we left.

    James and I tried to tell amusing stories. Some got a response. He also said I could use his grinder this weekend. 


    In a more up beat story. Last weekend we got him to the local New Mexico artist blacksmith meeting. He handed off coul spring and sucker rod. We also rehomed some tools. He even got first pick from iron on the hat and got a nice new set of tongs. That was a good day. 



    Student to Thomas may he remember to grab the cold end of the iron next time. (James added his input) 

  16. As an update 6/8/2023

    Thomas was admitted to the local hospital yesterday due to a diabetic emergency (ketoacidosis). As of late last night his sugars are down but he hasn't regained consciousness. His family is at his side and I don't have many updates beyond that. I will share what I can when I can. 



    Student of Thomas

    May grinder sparks fly away from his beard. 

  17. Got these ideas rattling around the head, might as well try to write them out so I can focus on other things. Sorry if this is a bit long and rambling because it could probably be summed up as “Thank you for another set of valuable lessons Thomas.”


    I had thought to say something in a thread like “What did you do this weekend” but I am not sure if that exists but here goes…

    I first stood in front of a forge at New Mexico Tech. I was a fringe member of the SCA, I found the armor making class and got an override so I could take the class. I didn’t know that Thomas showed up once a semester to teach blacksmithing. I have already talked about how I was there for set up, teardown and all the schlepping I could do. I went to every class I could, even if it was just for set up and teardown. Over the years I got to assist him teaching at those classes and other demonstrations. Last semesters class was a tough one, it let us all know something was wrong. At times we thought it would have been the last BUT, we are stubborn, and we did not let that happen. This past weekend we had another class, a much more successful class, and a hand off.

    This weekend we tried something different. Thomas would oversee as the Minions taught. I taught the morning class, the beginners. My goal was to get them through an S-hook and if they had time a second projects (nail or chili pepper). We did it. Every student finished their S-hook and one of them got a nail done. Thomas gave me some feedback on pacing and a few facts I should work in; but it went well enough. James (the other local minion) taught the afternoon advanced class. The students wanted to make knives and he is my superior in that and pineapple twists. That class went well too.

    I am glad that Thomas was there to add to the information and tell his stories, anecdotes, etc. I am thankful for his feedback and guidance. Most of all I am grateful for him loaning us his tools and letting us go back to where it all started and teach his class. As I look back, I find deeper and deeper emotions about it all.

    Thank you, Thomas, for your lessons, guidance, oversite, dare I say grandmotherly kindness, and the opportunities you have given me and all of the students over the years.

    Thom, Student to Thomas, may he always find a way to accomplish his goals.

  18. I personally enjoyed smithing in crocks and five finger toe shoes. Maybe because I was young and dumb, maybe because Thomas and the others comments were more amusing than the perceived dangers. 

    Thomas had to break me of a lot of habits. For example, coming from CA I thought all fire was bad. I used to stop striking so I could chase down a spark. He asked what would burn in a desert. I reminded him CA is a desert and burns all the time. Comparing that memory to when his pant leg caught fire during a good welding run. He calmly told us that he would deal with it in a min. He finished his pass. Put the piece back int he forge and then went to quench his foot. 

    Unrelated advice I got, A smart man burns his hand on the steel and learns not to do that again. A wise man sees the smart man and learns how not to do that. I was told I should try and be both wise and smart. Instead, I keep burring my hand and telling others not to be like me..... Well I am stubborn so I got that going for me. 


    Thom, student of Thomas, hoping to follow in his scorched foot steps. Maybe a little wiser.  

  19. On 1/21/2023 at 4:45 PM, TWISTEDWILLOW said:

    Ain’t a single body drinkin beer, wearing ball caps a flip flops or hearing protection!!!

    Did you know scale will find its way through the holes in crocks. Not burn through them but find their way around and to the foot. Just saying.


    Also I am not sure how to take the resemblance remark... with pride, shock, or.... Wonder if:

    • Thomas has a type
    • New Mexico Tech has a type
    • The spark of divine madness changes its vessel to fit its desire.


    Thom, Student of Thomas, wondering if I should get a different hat....

    Cool stuff from the scrap yard yesterday. Part of the naval gun Thomas has probably mentioned before. An ambulance. And the minion. 


    Thom, Student of Thomas, the minion that didn't get that minion at the scrapyard. 







  20. General Update,

    No blacksmithing this weekend. On Saturaday Thomas and Jo Ann made it up to an SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) event. He sold some armouring tools, chatted a good bit and did a good amount of walking. The weather was really nice and I believe he truly enjoyed the day. 

    Some of my favorite memories are of us teach and demonstrating at events like this. We didn't have the forge but I brought out a little jewelers bench, a photo book about Thomas and some tools so it was nice. 

    I am thankful for the day and his ability to join in. I thought I would get a call if/when they made it to site. Instead, I look up from my Jewlers saw to see him walking up towards the bench. Smile on his face like he had been caught trying to sneak up on a cat he wanted to startle. 

    Such a crafty and cunning man. Did you know he still loaded all of the tools himself. The minions had asked what he was up to and if he needed help.... he didn't hint at a thing. Maybe to make sure he could sell them to the local populace instead of us. :) He did get help unloading the tools at site, setting up the tool display and selling the tools, probably because he had some walking and talking to do. At the end of the day we loaded what was left and they traveled home safely. 

    Minion James helped him unload the tools on Sunday. He even got a few for himself. Thomas seemed to have a good pep in his step but was tired and a bit sore. 

    I am told his next outing is set for the first weekend in February, to the New Mexico Artist Blacksmith Association Meeting. I will be out of town but James is set to assist Thomas. 

    In other news he is still having internet issues. The new phone hot spot and his computer are not fast freinds. :( but I am sure he will check in as he can. 


    Thom, Student to Thomas, We walks the world again, slowly and with a walking stick (The better to reach minions with). 

    PS. I worry about reenacting the "Last Wrap" Koan because it will probably hurt a lot and he might hit me every time he sees me after that. 

  21. Didn't get pictures this time. But we had 3 minions and the master in the shop this Sunday.

    He did not mention moving the trash can thing, probably because he wanted us in the shop not working around the hose.

    There were a few scary moments (not his health, so maybe not that scary after all what is the well being of a minion vs the health of an anvil....)

    So there we were, 3 minions under the supervision of a loving, caring master. (again see zen flesh zen bones about grandmotherly kindness for inside joke)

    I suggested we work on something as a team so one minion holds while the other two strike with sledge hammers. We had done something similar last week and the only damage was when James gave himself a Gibs (NCIS) smack with a cross peen. Everybody had a good laugh and there was no blood. Anyways we start out and as we work on the sweet supported end of the anvil everything goes great. We are moving metal, we learn how to communicate and work together trying to stay ergonomic and safe. Thomas suggests we switch to working over the horn and takes a pass guiding us as he holds. Everything goes great. 

    Eventually we change positions.... I am on the far side of the anvil and it is a bit further than I like and the hammer feels a bit off. So I go get a long handled hammer. I get some comments but explain my reasoning while Thomas gives me a look. I try it any ways and completely miss my first swing hitting the anvil face. I correct my self and start hitting good. Eventually we are back working over the horn and the long handle works out because I am no longer at an odd angle and I have my range.

    Long story cut a little shorter there were some miss-strikes and each time there was some silence as we wondered if Thomas would smack us like Gandalf smacking the evil out of Theoden. He didn't the hammer and anvils are fine. We need to make sure we guage our strength/energy levels better but it was good.


    In other news Thomas has been having internet issues. So he was off for most of the week got it working Saturday (so he was on and checking everything) and then it was down again on Sunday. I am sure he will be on when he can.


    Thom Student to Thomas (I had hit the anvil and accepted what would happen to me. In his mercy he let me keep swinging. But, was that mercy for now I must keep swinging.)

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