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I Forge Iron

John Martin

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Posts posted by John Martin

  1. Well, there are two ways, well many ways, but I'v learned to ways.

    One is a Honey-comb or cave.
    This one, you make a mound of coal, and start the fire, the inside cokes, and you add coal to the top of it, and pushing it in from the sides. You then put your metal in level with the coal table.

    The other one is a hemisphere. It's the one that I use. I use the cave for forge-welding. This hemisphere fire stacking, is how I do my coal fires. I get a mound of green coal in the firepot. I then start the fire.I let it all coke up, this takes about 10 minutes for me. I now have about two inches about my the rim of the firepot lit and at forging heat. This allows me to barely submerge my work in the coals for the best possible even heat, and I work three pieces easily with this setup, I also save a lot of fuel. Everyone has there own way, or a "practiced" way. I hope I helped you. Grab The Backyard Blacksmith, Lorelei Sims has a good tutorial for fire tending, as well as a ton of other stuff. Good luck.

    Best Regards,

  2. Lol, the mouse nest. When he said it the first time, I thought he said he fired a mouse across the yard. However some of those industrial blowers that used in factories for venting could prolly easily blow me across the yard. Lol.

  3. The friendship knot it pretty cool, the cross, nails, leaves, etc. People love watching artistic and useful things be made quickly. Average adult attention span is 15-30 minutes. Hence the commercial every 15 minutes. I'm not saying that is everyone's, just the average.

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