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I Forge Iron

John Martin

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Posts posted by John Martin

  1. Wow Jerry, four burners for a little forge like that??? Trying to burn the forge up??? Lol, could you explain why you have the four burners in that forge??? And maybe a BP for it??? It looks really nice and well made.

  2. Okay Chris, did you get the 4140 from speedy????

    Ill see if I can get a webcam setup with RT sometime soon. I also have access to the 4140, but it'd be about $10 more for a foot of it. doesn't matter that much to me, but I'd rather go with the 8620 as it's a lot like 4340. I'll go with SQ stock, but should I use 1.5 SQ stock 4" long or 2" SQ stock, 3" long???


    Well today in-between heats of two of my knives, I made this little hammer out of 1045 3/4" stock, 4" long. This is a little welding hammer I guess. I got my technique done for making hammers other than punching and drifting., this was really easy, but I need some drifts & punches.



  3. Hey all, I was wondering what kind of steel to use and what thickness to use as well for my hammers.

    I am looking at either 1045 steel or 8620 steel, almost same pricing for me and should I use 1 1/2" round stock or 2" round stock???

    I will be using 3" sections of each to make my hammers. Ordering them in 12" sections.

    Thanks in advance,

  4. Well, I still need to wirebrush the head and then beeswax it. I've rough cut the handle and will sand and re-stain and re-burn tomorrow if I have time. It's a leaf spring, welded together.

    Somebody please lemme know how to post dimensions for a hatchet.
    Blade Length: 5"
    (Sharp part)Bit Height: 2"
    Blade Height: 1.5"
    Eye Length: 2" Width: 1.25"
    Handle: 13" From top of the hatchet to the bottom
    Hand made wedge.

    Head weight: 1lb 4oz Overall weight about 1lb 9oz.

    Light hatchet, but this thing is a worker. My brother put it through it's courses today. Lol.
    It's also a real nice throwing ax??? I can always get it to stick.

    Annealed Twiced.
    Then hardened 1.5" up from the start of the blade.
    Tempered at 470F for 30minutes and then 510 for 45minutes.
    This was a rush job, the whole thing, got up at 6am, got it down by noon. We were going to our land at 1, and I wanted to have it down by then. I think it's a good job for being rushed and for this being my first hatchet ever. The welding was pretty easy on this one, I've heard a lot of people having problems when welding it around apipe or drift or whatever, I didn't have much trouble. Yes, I didn't weld the edges real good, but it was a quickie. my brother used an exacto knife to put those things in the handle think there like lotr runes??

    Be as harsh as you all want!!!

    Best regards,






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