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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by ititard

  1. Is there anyone in the London / Surrey area?
  2. A bit like, Is American English an oxymoron? along with: Act naturally Airline food Alone together Business ethics Clearly misunderstood Computer security Definite maybe Exact estimate Extinct life Found missing Genuine imitation Good grief Government organisation Jumbo Shrimps Legally drunk Military intelligence Now, then . . . Passive aggression Peace force Plastic glasses Political science Pretty ugly Quiet riot Rap music Religious tolerance Resident alien Sanitary landfill Small crowd Soft rock State worker Sweet sorrow Terribly pleased Tight slacks Working vacation One of my all time favourites is still "Microsoft Works"
  3. Hi Tom, You could always go down the "craft market" route as well, that's part of my plan once I'm back on-line properly. As for setting up in "rented" property, is it Social Housing or Private Sector? PM me because I've been through this already. Cheers, Cliff
  4. Hi all, I'm just getting a second (or possible 3rd or 4th) wind in my bellows after being out of metalworking for 30 odd years. I started way back in the 70's as a foundryman and like everyone else I suppose "moved on" probably not for the better..... but never the less, I never really lost the lust for the smell of molten metal and always felt that it ran through my veins, (certainly feel like it at the minute as I have an attack of gout!) Anyways, this is just to say Hi and introduce myself. Cheers everyone, 'it it ard' Cliff (London/Surrey. England)
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