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I Forge Iron


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  1. Thanks you guys. Is there any way to identify galvanized/plated steel? I found another pipe from an old air gun that I'm pretty sure is just painted black, and the other has been welded on before.
  2. Those welds look fine to me. Good job on that, I'd like to see the finished product.
  3. The only steel I have on-hand right now is some scrap handle bars from a makeshift motorcycle. It's pretty thick pipe, about 1/8 thick with a diameter of 3/4s of an inch. Is this useful for anything? I have about a foot of it.
  4. Something along these lines, except made from cast iron and not aluminum. http://www.thebluerooster.com/catalog/dragonfly-chiminea-outdoor-fireplace-p-57.html
  5. Hello all. I'm brand new to the forum and relatively new to metalworking. I recently finished highschool, and as a result of that I've lost access to gas (acetylene). I have what I think are the basics; several hammers (ranging from lump to ball-peen), a foot of railroad track gas-cut into an ASO (though it works pretty well I find). I'm just missing a forge. I have a cast iron (I believe) garden fireplace. It's simple and is essentially a bucket with a grill-gate on the front and a two-foot chimney on the top. Is there any way to convert this thing into a forge even temporarily by retrofitting some sort of bellows? Thanks for the help!
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