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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by brucegodlesky

  1. mcraigl, you'll lose that bet.
    I went to forced air to save money on fuel.
    I'd just as soon use aspirated when simply forging. When it comes to welding damascus, forced air can't be beat. Heat and lots of it very fast. As a matter of fact, I was checking out Jymm Hoffmans burners this week and think I'm going that route.

  2. Dodge, after epoxying the leather spacers, just take it to the belt grinder and shape it. To preserve the leather, soak in mineral oil. That will tighten up loose handles also.
    That's a nice batch of old knives ya got there. I'm pretty sure the original specs are available thru the patent office.
    Union Razor Co. was originally located in Tidioute Pa. and made mostly pocketknives and razors. 1896-1911.

  3. Ed, my guess would be a 10xx series, mainly because it's an old steel and used a lot in the time era of crosscuts. I don't know that O1 is such an old steel. I've never run into any saws that I thought were O1.
    JMo bruce/birdog

  4. Here is mine. Made from a backbar off a Chevy S-10. Cut in half and welded. 2 Nuts welded on outside for snugging up the liners. Liners made from maple and faced with leather.
    On the outside are 2 pieces of flat stock weldedat 12 oclock and 3 oclock. these give you 2 different aspects in the bench vice.


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