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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by 6013

  1. Man started out crawling on his belly, went to hands and knees, and then started walking barefoot. Man found the need and made shoes. Man found that riding animals was faster, that riding wheels behind the animal was easier, and riding wheels powered by motors both faster and easier. Man found he could ride the wind on hot air balloons, and with motors could ride faster than the wind, and now can now fly in outer space where there is no wind. Rarely do you see someone walking barefoot and then it is usually a newbe to transportation without the funds for his own vehicle. The rest have embraced the new technology. Try to convince man that walking barefoot is best. Won't happen, and certainly not after he steps on the first rock or thorn barefoot. Don't fault the person that enjoys walking barefoot on the beach, but take notice of what type vehicle he drove to get to the beach. Grab that arc welder, metal glue gun, or whatever technology has to offer, and don't look back. When you get time, take a walk on the beach - barefoot. :wink:
  2. Back in the days of the Roman Empire, the famous Emperor Nero instituted a new game. The players would take those little disks you set your glass on in order to protect the furniture, and see who could get the most distance rolling them across the floor. Back in those days, the disks were made of iron, and they would bet on whose disk would roll the farthest. They called them ferrous wheels. They are first roller coasters. Ferrous wheel for the iron rim wearing surface on the outside of the wooden wheel.
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