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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by lgmoyer

  1. Phil,

    How far are you from Joplin? I was born in Joplin and still have a cousin there. I've not been back in over 40 years. Been thinking it would be great to see him again and see some of the old sights from my childhood. Maybe that 20 hours is not out of the question.

  2. Great ideas! I particularly like the idea of the fly-press. I have been looking for an excuse to buy one but the timing and funding have not cooperated. This might be the time. All I need now do is convince my Chief Financial Officer (A.K.A. She Who Must be Obeyed -- my wife) that we can afford the investment.

    Thanks to all.

  3. I recently accepted a commission to build the base for a coffee table. The design calls for bark textured 1/2 x 3" flats (both sides) slightly arched at the center by 2". I have pondered a number of ways to accomplish the arch without destroying the deep texturing (which I prefer to do while flat) and none really appeal. Anyone have a great ideas that will also save my arms?

  4. I have a 4x4 table with 1/2" top that I made five years ago. It is used for everything from layout to welding, from a chalk board to lunch table. Couldn't get along without it even in my quite small space. Ideally, I would want a 4X6 with 1" top; but, space and budget make that only a dream for tomorrow.

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