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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Jmercier

  1. Re-organized, added stuff, moved stuff from my porch for spring, etc to shop, updated pic. Old one, for progress sake is http://www.tharkis.com/images/oldshop.jpg http://www.tharkis.com/images/shop.jpg http://www.tharkis.com/images/shop2.jpg http://www.tharkis.com/images/shop3.jpg http://www.tharkis.com/images/shop4.jpg http://www.tharkis.com/images/shop5.jpg
  2. So I dont know if this counts since I paid a whole lot for it all, and it seems most of the stuff posted here is junkyard finds or giveaways or whatnot. But this is what followed me home today. Just need to aquire a power hammer or treadle hammer (power prefered, but treadle hammers are nice too!) and finish my larger forge and i'll be one happy camper for a long time... (once I pay back my brother the money I borrowed to buy all this) http://www.tharkis.com/images/itfollowedmehome.jpg http://www.tharkis.com/images/itfollowedmehome2.jpg http://www.tharkis.com/images/cone.jpg
  3. Corner of a detached 2 car garage. I've never parked my truck in the garage ever since I bought the house.. so it may turn into the whole two car garage being my shop if I get enough /stuff/ to call it a proper shop. http://www.tharkis.com/images/shop.jpg
  4. Hello everyone! My name is Justin Mercier, and I just found this forum today from a link someone posted on anvilfire, and figured I'd bookmark it, register, and say hi. I'm a software engineer working in Mass. but have been picking up blacksmithing as a hobby for some time now. I started hammering out my first pieces last september, and am still heavily into 'aquisition' mode, needing tools and such. I've got myself a modest little corner of my garage as a shop currently, with a repaired 130lb peter wright anvil, a whisper baby venturi forge, and some vises, but not a whole lot else. I'm almost finished building up a new forced air forge to reach welding temps so I can make up some cable damascus billets for some blade work. http://www.tharkis.com/images/shop.jpg Anyways, just saying hi, and hope to be around here more, having just discovered this place this morning! I'm always looking to meet other metal pounders in my area !
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