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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by 781

  1. First off think SAFETY for you and every one around you. cut a piece of the saw harden in oil dont temper and stick it in a vise with safety googles gloves ect TAP the part sticking out to see if it breaks off if not hit it progressivly harder till it does or bends. If it bends harden in water do same thing If it bennds in salt water it deffinately is soft. Dont use unknown used steel in a knife you plan to sell but if it is for your or giving as a gift you made only it might be something else until you can affort the extra cost of known steel.

  2. Marshaltown trowel in IA used to use Nazel hammers to make there trowels.
    I believe when they switched to more automation they had 3 3B hammers that Bob Bergman bought and 3 smaller hammers 1B and 2B which went to Minnesota.
    None of this helps you making a trowel and it would be more cost effective to buy one but of course that would not be the point of it would it now.
    Good luck on making one and lets see pictures when it is done.

  3. Nice blade. Did he say why to remove the teeth other than it might stack easier? I don't remove any just cut into 6" or so pieces with grinding wheel, wire bundle together and arc weld onto a handle to make it easier to forge without tongs.

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