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I Forge Iron

Larry H

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Posts posted by Larry H

  1. You can make your own touch mark by cutting the head off of a 1/2" Allen bolt so you just have a hollow hex shaped hole, this will be your guide, take a 1/2" Allen wrench for your touchmark. Carve or punch your design so you can see it through the hex hole , weld it over your design, mark the wrench so it goes in the same way for each heat and start heatin' n beatin'.

  2. A nice hammer which reminds me of my ole horseshoeing days. I like the broadened cheek for more gripping surface to the wood. Does anyone know why a farrier might want such a hammer for turning and finishing horseshoes? I do.

    I started out with an old Heller Brothers rounding hammer. Of course, a rounding hammer can also be used by the blacksmith for various operations.

    http://www.turleyforge.com Granddaddy of Blacksmith Schools

    Frank, It not only reminds me of my shoeing days ,but I still use it daily. Mine is a diamond, I always think of making a new one but something else always come up

  3. While a more mature and appropriate response may have been "sure let's have a chat, maybe tour your shop and talk, then I can decide if this is a fair fit" his response that nobody he knew, knew you or your work should not be taken as offensive. Abrasive, rude, unbecoming sure, but I think no deliberate offense was meant.


    I was not offended that nobody knew me,.... most people don't, makes no never mind to me, .... I was offended by the fact that it sounded like he was expecting me to send him my resume' so he could determine if I was worthy of his time. This is not the first time someone wanted to learn, six months after one other person was learning in my shop was on T.V. pretending to be a blacksmith!!!. He told me he always wanted to learn blacksmithing , and now he had some horrible kidney disease and wouldn't last much longer,.... what a load of xxxx, hung out his shingle and everything.
  4. so this kid ( i think ) puts a post on a very popular web site looking for blacksmiths in my area. I give him a call, because I'm a sucker for people who wish to learn. He says he is in North Carolina at a blacksmithing school. So I wait a week and call him back. He tells me " i asked around and nobody ever heard of you " And never called back for FREE lessons. May be no one ever heard of me but I think anyone looking to learn should make better decisions. Even scoundrels and fools can be bearers of wisdom, Thanks for letting me vent its been stuck in my craw for a few months now. I hope I can give it a rest .

  5. I think southshore and mainly bob have Said , it all, many of the old ways are gone , forgotten, and/ or lost. my mentors have all passed, and with them went at least one hundred years of things I still wanted to learn. Many of the techniques are not needed
    ( mostly ) but when a job stops because of mech. Failure and a smith does it by hand,
    People stand there with their jaws hanging. South shore was right when he said a master smith could work in any shop, but he left out the part where the rest of us are embarrassed for thinking we were good smiths. I've seen some amazing things

  6. worst part was I called long distance to talk to him, and he only mumbled a bit... but I did have fun talking to the lady that would talk to me there.

    On a side note I hear Frosty is now 2 inches shorter than he was a year ago? is that true? anyone?

    yes but not in the vertical
  7. The material is 14 ga. backed by a 6"pipe with 1/2 " round sticking out for support of the nose. The pipe was squished (thats a tech. blacksmithin' term) in a vise, to be 1/3 narrower than the height . I just discovered sheet metal about a year ago this stuff is great!! it will do what ever you want it to!. So I borrowed an art book, looked at the pictures and away I went, the most difficult part of every blacksmithing endeavor is getting your tooling right.

  8. O.K. I was trying to make a skull, the first time, I saw it failing, cut my losses and left it like you saw in the everything else section. Two more try's and it turned into the skull you see here, the rest of it will have to wait until next week, when I hope to figure out the back of it, I would like to make it all one piece.

    post-12486-032102500 1285706017_thumb.jp

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