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I Forge Iron



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Hello. My name is Brad Weber. I live in eastern Ohio with my wife Hilde, and our dogs Lucy and Stripe. We live in a log cabin on a ridge in the woods on a gravel road. I have been a hobbiest smith for about 15 years and only done a few paid jobs. I have done alot of demonstrations for the public and Boy Scouts and was honored to do the begining blacksmith demo at Quad State in 97. I learned by volonteering at Hale Farm and Village for two seasons run by the Western Reserve Historical Society in notrthern Ohio. Learning under Master Smith, Marty Reisig, in a historical atmosphere was a blessing and joy. I enjoy making utilitarian items, candle holders and whatever is needed at the time. I made all the hinges in the house as well as other iron work as well as all the woodwork in the house. This is one of my joys.
My dream was to one day have a shop where I could be out there in the morning and hear the wild turkeys gobbling. The turkey being my favorite game to hunt. Hence the name of the shop, Gobbler Forge.
I enjoy the mid 1800's and history in general. I also enjoy helping others when my talents will be of assistance. The three levels of life are to learn, to apply and to teach. The circle cotinues with the third.
Live life and enjoy the sunrises for they bring new adventures. Brad

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