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I Forge Iron

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Mark Parkinson

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Great site just spent an enjoyable afternoon exploring the site. I am from Kingston Canada by way of Doncaster England. I have been Blacksmithing for about 18-19 years now while holding down real paycheques from the mundane work a day world, I have my chefs papers, and worked as a chef for some years owning my own pub for a few years, after the burn out (24/7 x 365) I have worked mostly as a carpenter in the construction and renovation industry with time out to work for a hardware store for 3 years and time off to become a registered locksmith, I am now back to working in the construction industry and taking machinist corses at my local collage to get my millwrights papers. I have a web site that has not been updated in about 4 years but has some blacksmith related stuff on it.... maybe I'll get round to updating it soon I will have to add pics of a milling M/c and a screw cutting lathe I have just installed... looking forward to trying some of the tricks and tips I have read on the site

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