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I Forge Iron

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Hey guys, haven't been on in a while but I'm back with new found welding equipment. I'm looking to pitch my breakdrum forge and fabricate a new forge. I remember seeing several impressive and promising designs posted, however I can't locate any of them, and i only have access to the first 200 blueprints. If anyone can give me a link to their favorite design or help me with the blueprint problem I would really appreciate it.

By the way, I'm looking for a coal forge. let me know if you need more info.


Many of the Blueprints are offline so its only the first 200 and the Hofi series that are visible at present.

As for a forge design. Make a fire pot one foot square and 4" deep out of eight inch plate. Put some holes in the centre for the air. Set this in a tray of your design and of a suitable size for your needs. For the air hook up some 2" exhaust pipe to a flange and connect it to the bottom of the fire pot. Put a T in it a couple of inches down and a side pipe that goes to your blower. The bottom extension needs a removable end so you can dump the ashes as they are made. That is a pretty useful and basic forge for coal or charcoal.


A software change was made almost half a year ago in May. Most of the Blueprints haven't worked since. We have SORELY MISSED them and have thousands of fingers collectively crossed in hopes that they can/will be resurrected.

Here's a few forge tutorials I found via google.

Forge Design
Lytton Creek Blacksmiths
DIY Blacksmith Forge
How To Build Your Own Blacksmith Forge
DIY Propane/Natural Gas Forge
Free Gas Forge Plans

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