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I Forge Iron



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Peyton Anderson
Farmville Virginia
25 years old
Middle School Civics teacher
Very happily married!!!!!!!!!!!

I grew up in Lynchburg Virginia where both parents are in manufacturing. I remember going to WIlliamsburg as a small kid and being amazed with the blacksmith there. I did not get to spend much time there and always found the trade an amazing, and magical craft. I went to community college, then transferred to Longwood College(now University). I went to school to be a teacher. I met my wife Sarah in college. While in school Sarah got me involved with archaeology and primitive technologies(where the "primtech" comes from). I was a member of a group that would spend a couple weekends a year flint knapping, and making tools that were believed to be used in the lithic era. All stone and wooden tools...

When I met Sarah's parents I found out her father, MIKE-T, is a blacksmith. My interest began to come back in the trade. He offered me a chance to learn some of the basics for myself. I now loosely consider myself an apprentice. There is no real standard to set for master, apprentice, etc anymore. So, like many others, I am purely self proclaimed. I work with Mike a few days a week at Yesteryear Forge. My brother-in-law also comes in there with us from time to time as well.

I am also a member of The Old Dominion Blacksmith Association.

To be honest I'm just happy to be here. I am lucky to have such good people around me at home, at the forge, and on here....


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