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I Forge Iron

Wireless access control?


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This is for the architectural folks in our community.

I have a customer who has commissioned me for an iron gate into their courtyard. In addition, they want an electric strike and intercom so guests can be granted entry from inside the house. The trouble is that the house is completely finished and the front wall has no way to get back to any sources of power without major renovation. I figured the easiest thing to do was install some sort of solar powered, wireless unit - but I have no idea about equipment. I have done low voltage, hardwired units in the past and am not the least bit concerned about the installation; I just don't know anything about reliable wireless or solar.

I also posted this on Farwest so please chime in if you have any advice.

Thanks, Hollis

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Hollis, Linear Products - Wireless Security, Access Control, Garage Door Operator, Radio Control, Emergency Reporting
This is a link to a Linear brand receiver. (Current consumption: 25 mA standby, 60 mA operating @ 12 VDC). I have used several of these in the past (all hardwired) with no problems or complaints. As far as using a solar charger, I have been using an Apollo Gate Operator at the entrance to our place for about 6 years. I do use an automotive battery with a solar panel. Normally it is operated about ten to twenty times a day. The first battery lasted about 3 years. If you set up your electric strike "Fail Secure" the current usage would be minimal.
Hope this helps,

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