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I Forge Iron

Need some advice

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I am very very new at this, and this is the first attempt at making a forge. Will the thermalfiber I'm using work after coating in refractory cement? The fiber will withstand temps well above 2000° but I haven't seen any videos of anyone using this. Please let me know if I'm headed in the right direction. Thanks. 


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Welcome aboard, have you read this yet? READ THIS FIRST

it will explain a lot of the idiosyncrasies of the forum. Neither will be very good in a well tuned forge. Refractory cement is used to stick (mortor) fire bricks together not used as a hard coat refractory. The insulating Thermalfiber may work depending on how much well above 2000° F it's rated for. I suggest reading the pinned Forges 101 thread.

Also if you edit your profile to show your location, you may be surprised how many members are near you and a lot of answers require knowing where in the world you are located.

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