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I Forge Iron

Ypres 2016 Event


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Hello everyone,
Thanks to all of you have taken the time and energy to make poppies for the  Ypres 2016 Event.  We are in the process of setting up an online crowd funding campaign and one of the perks which we would like to offer someone who donates at the 250 British pound level is the chance to spend half a day (4 hours) with a blacksmith.  The British smiths have signed on for this and I am asking if there are individual smiths or blacksmith groups here in the US who would be interested in offering their time and expertise.  My thought is that this perk would be open for use from the end of this summer until the end of 2017, about a year and a half.
If you think you as an individual or your group might be interested please send me your name, contact info, where you are in the US.  We are trying to get the site up and running by the beginning of April.  Please let me know by March 28 if you are up for this! 
Please, feel free to send me any questions you may have and I will try to get answers for you.
thank you,
Kate Dinneen
[email protected] 
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