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I Forge Iron

New smith from the gold country

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Hi everyone, just wanted to post an introduction. I just started blacksmithing here in the coloma valley east of sacramento in california and am excited to join the community. It seems like there are lots of smiths in my area and I am looking forward to learning from all the sources available to me. I just finished clearing out the space I will use as a shop. It is an old barn on about 1000 acres, no electricity, but plenty of water. additionally I have access to the farm scrap pile so `I have lots of playing around metal! I'll move my equipment in next week and hopefully start getting at it 3-4 days a week at least for the remainder of the winter! I got into blacksmithing primarily to make tools, and it looks like that is what I will be doing first and foremost as I have all the basics but need to round out my workshop. I look forward to talking with everyone on the forums!

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